Dear mamas,
I've gotta work a whole lot longer on Monday than I usually do. I've been pumping a bunch this week, but don't have a ton. I don't know if I will be able to go home between between my training and work. She is sort of eating fruits, but pukes and gags on veggies/meats. Help me gauge what I have?
Non-Booby Newbie,
Re: How much will your 8m EP/BF baby eat in a 10h period?
In a 10 hour period DS would have eaten around 14-16 ounces at 8 months.
Depending on the time of day I'd say 10-15 oz; DS has been eating foods really well and so he is probably on the lower side of BM intake, but the pedi is ok with it. Most days he drinks about 16-20oz per day now (10oz of pumped milk at daycare, plus nurse in the morning and before bed), 3 meals of table food and/or purees and a snack (1/2 a banana).
Especially since it's one day, I think you can give a little more food and less milk if she'll have it, then maybe do more milk and less food tomorrow if you can?