
sensory disorder?

Has anyone dealt with sensory disorders in their child/children? My older daughter is 4 and just recently has started complaining that everything is too tight, bumpy, scratchy, etc. She won't let me pull her hair back in a ponytail, hates when I tighten her car seat straps, and won't wear any pants besides leggings because she hates the way the waistband on regular pants feels. Don't even get me started on socks and shoes--it's a BATTLE every day to get her socks on juuuuust right so she can't feel the "bumps" and she won't wear most pairs of shoes because the velcro is too tight. We now put her socks on inside out, but there's only one pair of shoes that she'll put on (which, might I add, are falling apart!).

This kid used to be SO easy going. She always listened and is very sweet, well adjusted, and "normal" in every other way. I can't figure out where this came from, but it's taking over a good part of our day with the tantrums and whining. 

Is this a typical thing for a four year old, or should I have her checked out for a sensory disorder? Any advice from other moms or teachers of young kids?
L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage

Re: sensory disorder?

  • My son has Sensory Integration Disorder.  His presented in different ways, but the best thing we ever did was get him in Occupational Therapy once a week.  They really helped him learn how to cope.  He was terrified of heights and anything that moved.  So putting him on the changing table - you could forget about it.  Those little bridges that are on playgrounds that are wood blanks that move.  Absolutely not.  He also moved a not hyper 3 year old.  Like from the time he woke up to the time he went to bed he bounced.  Walked on his toes.. Turns out he had a very serious gravity issue and his body didn't interpret movement.  The OT taught him how to deal with all of that.  We only did it for about two years..and then since then its much better.  Now he enjoys slides and playgrounds..he still bounces from time to time, but its way better.  It was seriously the best money that we could ever have spent.

    I'd check with your pediatrician to get a recommendation for OT, at least a consult.  And normally when you are in the waiting room, there will be someone there who has a shade of the same issue going it will be nice to know a local parent going thru something similar.

    Good luck!

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