I'm pretty sure there is nothing I can really do to help it but I figured i'd see if anyone else has dealt with this and has any tips. In the past month and a half that Jack has been sick with colds off an on when he gets coughing hard or is trying to cough up mucus (like this time i think its in between like his throat and lungs and is coughing some of it up he ends up making him self throw up some. Its so hard cuz at night if he gets coughing I cant go back to sleep until i hear him stop cuz i'm always worried he's gonna get sick. Poor kid last night was sitting on my dad's lap and was coughin up mucus and ended up coughing up his dinner. And he was fine all day today and coughed some here and there and this evening on the way home from my brother's he started cough again and coughed up mucus and some fluid. I'm so frustrated for him and me with him having to deal with this and me having to clean up and us both losing sleep. I've been giving him delsym or children's mucinex per the doctors permission to help with the cough. Sorry this is so long but its so frustrating for both of us so if u have any advice or anything please let me know.

Re: sensitive gag reflex
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