
man, cousin Amy from 17 Kids and Counting

seems like a totally rouge Duggar!  She's so different from the rest of the clan. 

Re: man, cousin Amy from 17 Kids and Counting

  • I thought the same thing the first time I saw her!  I wonder what her parents are like and if they're normal.


  • #6#6 member

    She seems to mock alot of things they do.  She was just talking about them singing hyms in the car.  She brought her Ipod so she could tune them out.  Umm, biatchy if you ask me. 

    She has said several things that makes me wonder...."why do they have her come over?"

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  • Why? ...To convert her, of course .... as g*d intended.

    My darling daughter just turned 4 years old.
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