April 2011 Moms

Just curious? Who has a baby girl?

If you have a baby girl, did you get pregnant on ovulation day? (If you knew)g if the ShettlesMethod works or it really doesnt make a difference?  Did anyone use ovulation predictor kits and then have a girl? TIA!!  Just curious!

Re: Just curious? Who has a baby girl?

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    I have 3 girls and always figured its 50/50 no matter what you do/try.
                                                 Mom to 4 wonderful daughters
                                 Breanna, Ellie and 
                                 our 2 rainbow babies.

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    When we were TTC our oldest we had sex 3 days in a row up to and including O day and got my oldest son. The second time we had sex five days in a row up to and including O day and got boy/girl twins.
                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

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    Lilypie - (eGB2)
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    I can't even believe I am going to answer this seriously. I charted and used ovulation predictors. I wasn't using Shettles, though. I wasn't trying to conceive a girl, but the last time we had sex during my fertile window during my BFP cycle was 3 days before ovulation.

    According to Shettles, the further away from your O day that you have sex, the more likely you are to conceive a girl, so in theory, Shettles would have worked for us.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    pretty sure I got KU on O day and got a boy...  I think it's more genetics than timing, and certainly not 50/50. Hubby's family is all boys. The men just do not have daughters. His grandpa on his dad's side was one of like 12 or 13 boys. He had 4 boys and one girl who is a lesbian (which I know has nothing to do with gender, just find it ironic that the one female is quite masculine.)  And all of his (male) cousins have had all sons.  In my mom's side of the family, in my generation, the boys have girls and the girls have boys.  We're up to 6 G-Grandchildren and this has been the case.  Strange.

    I'd love a girl at some point, though. I'll try stupid positions, sex on certain days, whatever... just incase Wink

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    Isn't it scientifically proven that oy the guys dictates gender? Since women only produce the XX chromosome and men produce both the XX and XY chromosome. All babies would be female unless the XY chrpmpsome is present in the man's sperm.
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    I Bump from my phone 90% of the time, with a baby in my lap, so please excuse my bad format and poor spelling and/or punctuation.
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    we were not using shettles, but had sex 2-3 days before o day, and i got a girl, so it worked out for us.

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    We had sex 4 days in a row leading up to O and got our girl. I don't really believe in all the theories, you will get what you get but I also secretly in my head went by the chinese gender chart and knew I want to get pregnant in July cause that was one of the only months that said girl for me.
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    DS #1 was 1 day before O

    DS #2 was 3 days before O

    I would love to believe that there is a method that works as we would love to have a girl but unfortunately it is just luck.  I was naive enough to think some of these wivestales/methods about diet, timing and position would work and tried just about all of of them and we still had another boy.  Good luck though!

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    We never tried anything based on Shettles, but after-the-fact review of sex vs. O on my charts accurately predicted the sex of all three of my children. With #1 we actually had sex the day after ovulation and with #2 we had sex the day before. Both were boys. Baby #3 we had sex a full 4 days before O and the result was a girl. I don't personally put a ton of stock into it, but our situation supports the theory.
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    Your partners' sperm that reaches your egg is what determines the sex of the baby that results so I don't put any stock into these methods or timing, etc.

    This!  Your baby is either going to be XX (girl) or XY (boy).  As a woman, ALL you can give to your baby is the X chromosome.  Your partner will either give the X or the Y.  So it all boils down to whatever sperm reaches your egg first.  There is really no control over that!

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    Had a girl after having sex after my husband was gone for a 3-day weekend.  We used the bottle of wine after a long absence method, lol.
    Stephanie Hsu
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    We did the Shettles method as much as it can be done, and then some. We have a girl conceived that way. I wrote a post in my blog (here) about the success of the method, based on charts in FertilityFriend.

    FWIW, I looked at DH's family- they all make boys, including our first son. Based on what I read in Shettles' book, high rates of boys = high sperm count (generally), where high rates of girls = lower sperm counts in the fathers. So I set out to have DH's sperm count lowered a little. This meant taking care of things (ahem) every day for him, hot baths, and lots of sex. I was also using OPKs, and we STOPPED having sex as soon as I got a positive. If you follow the Shettles method perfectly, then you have about an 85% (I think) chance for a boy, and a 75% chance for a girl. I got pregnant the second cycle we tried.

    I would caution that in order to be well-suited to using this method, you must be okay if you try for a girl and get a boy, or vice versa, since it's not 100%. 

    Old nestie, new name: formerly ckolak:-)
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    Your partners' sperm that reaches your egg is what determines the sex of the baby that results so I don't put any stock into these methods or timing, etc.

    This!  Your baby is either going to be XX (girl) or XY (boy).  As a woman, ALL you can give to your baby is the X chromosome.  Your partner will either give the X or the Y.  So it all boils down to whatever sperm reaches your egg first.  There is really no control over that!

    I think the theory is that X chromosome sperm are slower but live longer and that Y chromosome sperm are faster but survive a shorter amount of time. So with that being the thought, the closer you have sex to O day, the more likely you are to have a boy since they swim faster. 

                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

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    Lilypie - (eGB2)
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    We were not TTC or TTA, but I was charting my cycle.  I got pg with DD#2 from sex 2 days before ovulation. 

    With my other kids we were TTC using CBEFM and charting.  I got pg with DS from sex 2 days before ovulation.  With DD#1 I got pg from sex either 3 days or 1 day before ovulation.

    My OB doesn't think that the Shettles method works, but if you really want a girl, might as well give it a try. 

    imageimageimageimageimage 9/07 m/c baby boy @ 18wks, 4/09 m/c @ 4.5wks
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