
Disney Gift Card??

My neices are going to Disney in February and in addidition to thier Christmas gift I thought about getting them a gift card for their upcoming Disney trip.  Should I buy a gifrt card or just give them some cash and tell them what it is supposed to be used for.  They are 2 and under 1 so they really aren't going to have a clue.  WHat's easier for the parents?

Re: Disney Gift Card??

  • I like the gift card for the trip, it is "nicer" then cash, I think.  The cards can be used for anything, so when we went it was nice to have the cards, we used them for the extras, and were able to show the people who gave them what he picked.


    Katherine Proud Mommy and Foster Mommy
  • Gift card.  Gifting cash is tacky.  Always.
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