

Hi ladies-

 I've been lurking for quite awhile now, but thought I would officially say hello. 

A little bit about me- I'm a Carolina girl that moved to Chicago after college graduation (UNC - Go Heels!) for a job in advertising.  I met my DH online and the rest is history.  We've been married for over 4 years and been TTC for nearly 3 years.  I've had a history of bad ovarian cysts, fibroids and such that needed to be surgically removed which sidelined us a bit from our TTC efforts. 

 I was put on Clomid from my OBGYN in January of this year with no success, so we started the process of seeing an RE in February.  Went through all the tests and everything was all clear.  Continued Clomid with monitoring at the REs office for 3 IUI cycles to result in BFNs.  I always responded well to meds, so after the third failed IUI, we decided to move on to IVF.

For my IVF protocol, I was on Follistim, Repronex (which I think is the same as monpur (sp) that I see many of you on) and Ganiralex.   My ER was last wednesday, 11/16, and they  retrieved 14 egges.  13 were mature and 11 fertilized.  We were able to do a 5dt on Monday and we transferred 2 1AA blasts.  (There was quite a bit of debate regarding we should do 1 or 2 and I think the dr was pushing for 1 since they were such high quality.  We ultimately decided 2 because we're open (and even a little excited) about the possibility of twins.  Our insurance will only cover this IVF so anything else will be OOP and I'd rather "gamble" and get twins and have a complete family rather than knowingly have to go through this again.  There's also a possibility that IVF won't work at or we could still end up with a singleton.  I've seen a lot of debate about this issue on the bump, but I think we made the best decision for us.

 I was slightly annoyed that I felt like everyone during the ET was acting like this was going to be such a sure thing.  I'm all for positivity, but I'm all too familiar with IF and so many bump stories to know that nothing is guaranteed.  Just because you have 1AA blasts doesn't mean you'll actually get pregnant or that you won't have a m/c.  Here's hoping they're right though!

 So now I'm suffering with many of you during the 2WW trying to freak out about every little thing.  (ie. Am I resting enough, etc.)  Anyone that recently had a ET/ER, feel free to say hi and we can compare 2WW stories. :)

I've been off of work for vacay/IF purposes the past week so I've had lots of time to bump, but once I go back to work after Thanksgiving, I may be more of a limited poster since I tend to have a pretty hectic job- but I'll try to do what I can.  

Thanks for letting me join you and lurk in your IF journey.  I look forward to sharing stories with you and getting to know you all better.  


Image and video hosting by TinyPic TTC since Jan 2009. 3 failed IUIs (Clomid + Ovidril) IVF#1 November. (11/16 ER; 11/21 5dt of 2 1AA embies) Beta #1 12/1: 137 BFP!! Beta #2 12/5: 639

Re: Intro

  • Good luck and sticky vibes!!
    TTC Since September 2009; 4/10 Miscarriage at 6weeks; Diagnosed with PCOS March 2011; 4/11: Bravelle TI = BFN; 5/11: Bravelle TI = BFN; 6/11: Bravelle TI = BFN; 7/11: TI = BFN; 8/11: TI = BFN; 9/11: Bravelle TI = BFN; 10/22/11: IUI#1; 11/4/11:IUI#1 = BFN; 11/16/11: IUI#2; 11/29/11: BFP on HPT!; 12/5/11: Beta#1=437@19DPO; 12/7/11: Beta#2=861@21DPO; 12/9/11: Beta#3=1648@23DPO; 12/13/11: Beta#4=4867@27DPO BabyFruit Ticker
  • Welcome!  Sending support and good luck your way!
    38. DH 40. TTC since 2005.
    Earlier m/c. DX (finally) 10/10: abnormal acrosome.
    ICSI #1 3dt 11/20/11 HPT BFP 11/30 Our beautiful daughters were born July 28, 2012.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic ** All welcome. **
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  • Welcome and good luck!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    TTC since March/April 2010
    DX: MFI - less than 1 million sperm, 26% motility
    DH put on anastrozole to increase counts
    June/July 2011 100 mg Clomid + TS IUI#1 & IUI 2 - BFN :-(
    Forced break due to DH getting spinal surgery in August 2011
    IVF - January 2012: BFN
    FET in April 2012 - BFP at 6dp5dt! Beta #1 at 9dp5dt: 82.5, Beta #2 at 12dp5dt: 352 Beta #3 at 19dp5dt: 6000, saw heartbeat and one little bean at 5W6D!
    After nearly 3 years of waiting our LO was born December 18th 2012!
  • Welcome and best of luck with your current cycle!
    2/11 Diagnosis: DOR-AMH .62, LPD and MFI-4% Morph
    IVF #1-July 2011 7/9/11-Started Stims
    7/20/11-ER:No eggs in 4/5 follicles. Left the 5th follie intact and converted to an IUI
    8/3/11-Beta #1=BFN,
    Nov, 2011 BFP #1=m/c at 7 wks 3 days
    11/11-AMH .47, IVF #2 March 2012...or not!! Surprise BFP on 2/19. Beta #1=161. Beta #2 305 Our little miracle girl is on her way! Due Oct 29, 2012
    <a href="
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