use the name of a deceased pet for your LO?
DH and I were discussing names for #2 and I said "it's really too bad I named my cat Charlie b/c it would be perfect for this baby." He said "yeah" and we just kept on with the conversation.
It got me weird would that be? I'm 99% sure we wouldn't use it, but I do love the name! FTR, I got the cat in college and he passed away right before DS was born (July 2009).
Re: Random Clicky: Would you....
**Good luck to gatorwife,MissIntentional&corinne2010! Congrats to Piper2009!
Ha! I can just imagine this convo:
"Evan, you are named after your great grandma. Charlie, you are named after our dead cat. Sorry dude."
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
I wouldn't... I find it weird to reuse names in ANY context, so no, I would never use a pet's name (dead or otherwise) for a person.
In fact, reading this board has made me realize I should never name a pet a name I would really love to give to a child. There have been several threads about people who got pregnant and contemplated renaming their dog/cat so they could use the name for their baby.
I have never had a pet named a person name. In fact I really do not like when pets have people names. I don't think Whiskers or Tigger make very good baby names, haha. I wouldn't be able to get past the fact that the name belonged to a pet. The association would be too much.... just like naming a baby the same name as an ex-BF.
This is me too.
I think it's weird when people are against giving pets human names. Who cares if a dog is Spot or James?
First of all, I find it incredibly disrespectful that you would use a name just b/c no one would remember that it belonged to your animal first. In my household, we believe in building bonding relationships with our pets and that animals have just many rights and emotions as people do. Our cats are members of our family and are treated as such.
Second of all, yes, I would use one of my cats' names b/c I think they have great names and they are good animals, so I think it would be a wonderful thing to honor their memory by naming a child after them.
I voted SS because I think I may do this. I named one of my cats George, after George McFly from BTTF; he was my density. George also happens to be my g-pa's name. At the time I liked old man names for pets and couldn't imagine ever using George on a baby.
But it grew on me. A lot. And I had to rehouse George because he hated DS1. So I go back and forth on this. George is now in our top 3 for future.
I can't imagine that I'll ever want to use my other cat Mortimer's name for a baby though!
who cares!!! it's a human name anyway - if you named her mitzy or sasha or something then ya...maybe but Charlie is a GREAT name and if you love it then use it.
i think it's cute
Yep, all of this! All three of my dogs are like my children, I love them so much. Also, they all have human names, who cares? There are so many names in the world, why use the same one as a beloved pet who is like a furry child? Even if you do not view your pets the same way I do, like children, I would never want to have to tell my human child that they were named after a dead pet.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.