
How much would you tip?

I've been going to the same girl that highlights my hair for years.  I scheduled an appointment for last friday and the salon called to tell me that they had to cancel my appt because my colorist's had a family matter.  They told me they had booked me with another girl in case I wanted to take that appt.  I said okay because we are having family photos done this Sunday and my usual girl didn't have anything available when I could go this week.

I told the girl at my appointment I wanted to go darker (back to my natural auburnish color) and she told me she didn't think it would be a good idea because she had never done my hair and that was a drastic change from my really blonde hair.  She instead offered to do the two blonde colors that were in my chart for my highlights and add in a low light.  I hesitated and told her I didn't think that we should keep the lightest blonde because that would be such a contrast but she assured me it would great and blend naturally.  Well, it didn't and my hair looks like I'm wearning a Zebra on my head.

I'm facebook friends with my colorist and I sent her a message later the next day telling her what happened and sent her a picture.  She said we could fix it, no problem, that we just need to put a toner in it and I would be in and out.  I'm seeing her later today (my sweet husband is leaving work early) and I know she won't charge me.

Of course, I'm going to tip her, but how much should I tip?  She charges me $150 for my highlights typically.

Sorry this got so long!

Liam is 5!
AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

Re: How much would you tip?

  • $30 - 20% of what the service normally costs.  I might even be inclined to give her a bit more since you aren't paying for the actual service yet she is taking time out of her schedule to do it for you.  So anywhere from $30-45.
  • Yeah, crazy, I know, but she does a great job.  The cost is part of the reason I want to go to my natural color for awhile.  Hard to justify paying that much now that I'm a SAHM and going back to school.

    I was thinking $40 so I'll go with that. Thanks!

    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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