Baby Names

vote on our final names :-)

Due in a week, making a post delivery decision once we meet him. What do you think of our final names?
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Re: vote on our final names :-)

  • DS is Finn so you have my vote. I do love Jonah by DH didnt. He is Finn Ryan after DH, but I think Finn Henry flows nice, and Finn William reminds me of Fitzwilliam...I dont know why ;) 
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  • Jonah is refreshing! Finn is getting too common and reminds me of a fish. I like either Gray or Oliver as a MN with Jonah but I voted Oliver! GL
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  • I love the name Finn (its on my short list), but I didn't care for the way it sounded with the middle names you picked, so I voted for Jonah Gray.

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  • imagemswood1977:
    I love the name Finn (its on my short list), but I didn't care for the way it sounded with the middle names you picked, so I voted for Jonah Gray.

    We are sort of stuck on a MN for Finn- do you have any suggestions? Thank youSmile

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  • imagesweetpealee:

    I love the name Finn (its on my short list), but I didn't care for the way it sounded with the middle names you picked, so I voted for Jonah Gray.

    We are sort of stuck on a MN for Finn- do you have any suggestions? Thank youSmile

     i know you werent asking me but...Ill say we like to use family names as MNs but we loved Finn Alexander, Finn Patrick, & Finn Michael . Finn is hard because you have to have a strongn and distinct first letter for the MN. For example my dad is Alan, and Finn Alan wouldve sounded like Finnalan. Weird. 

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  • I voted for Charles Fox.  I don't like Jonah (don't like any biblical names) but I do love Gray as a mn. 

    What about Henry Gray?  I LOVE the nn Hank!! 

    Finn is cute too but seems trendy right now? 

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  • We have a Henry so i'm biased there.

    I prefer Jonah over Finn.....but in our circle Jonah is a bit too popular.

    What about Jonah Henry or Henry Jonah.

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  • I voted for Jonah Oliver, but I also like Charles Fox. I really, really dislike Finn. 

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    VOTE on my Name List
  • imagejlsimon56:

    I voted for Charles Fox.  I don't like Jonah (don't like any biblical names) but I do love Gray as a mn. 

    What about Henry Gray?  I LOVE the nn Hank!! 

    Finn is cute too but seems trendy right now? 

    I love, love Henry- Henry Gray is a great combo.  It was on our name list, and we ultimately nixed it because we have a cat named Henry. D'oh!

    And thank you everyone for the suggestions- keep 'em coming Smile

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  • imagesweetpealee:

    I love the name Finn (its on my short list), but I didn't care for the way it sounded with the middle names you picked, so I voted for Jonah Gray.

    We are sort of stuck on a MN for Finn- do you have any suggestions? Thank youSmile

    My personal choices are Finn Alexander and Finn Michael.

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  • Hard to decide because they are all so different!  I think they would each suit a different type of boy.
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