Preference anyone?
I read someone's post on here about how their LO was a fussy baby all the time. If you've read my already know that I have a very difficult LO as well. Anyway, this bumpie said that when she switched from Gentlease to Gerber Good Start Gentle, it was like she had a brand new LO - happy & full of smiles. Anyone else have this experience? I'm wondering if we should switch.
Re: Enfamil Gentlease vs. Gerber Good Start Gentle
That is my post you are probably talking about! When I first had LO she was on Enfamil Newborn and at 3 weeks old she became very gassy so we switched to Gentlease, Dr. Brown's bottles and started giving gas drops at every bottle. The gas had finally gone away but she was just miserable. Poor thing would smile in between cries because she wanted to be happy but couldn't. One day I decided to try GoodStart Gentle after reading so many success stories about it. I noticed a change immediately and within a week I stopped giving her gas drops. She has no gas, no fussiness and is the happiest baby again. I highly recommend the switch! Give it a week or so and if it doesn't help you can always go back, but its definitely worth the try! Good Luck!!
Thanks ladies! I'm so glad your babies ended up happier!
Another question though. I am currently mixing the Gentlease with Enfamil AR b/c LO has mild reflux as well (she's on meds too). Do you think the Gerber Good Start Gentle would still work even if I mix it with the Enfamil AR?