Have you checked out meetup.com? There are meetups for moms who want to meet other moms and do playdates. I bet you could meet lots of people who could be helpful. I'm also a new mommy come this February, so I also can't help much. But, good luck and congrats!
If you have time Destination Maternity has free prenatal yoga classes including Saturdays and a couple of evenings a week. I loved them with my first pregnancy and I'm just trying to figure out logistics on how to get there and have childcare this time around.
If you don't have a labor support person yet I would look into a doula. Even with my husband present I think my doula was well worth the money. If money is an issue, I believe San Antonio birth Doulas offers free or sliding scale doulas. I think a doula is especially helpful if you want to have a natural birth, but even for an epidural they are helpful.
I really like the consignment shops for infant clothing. I got almost all of DS's clothing at Once Upon a Child at their dollar sale when he was an infant. I don't find as much at the consignment store's now that DS is a toddler since they stay in the same size longer and are rough on clothes.
If you're planning on breastfeeding I love the La Leche League meetings. It is very helpful and a great group to get help and support from. I started going while pregnant with DS and stopped for a while but I'm now trying to go to the toddler group. I'd also take the hospital class on breastfeeding if you have the time.
I think looking at meet up would be a great idea to find a mom's group. I currently do Stroller Strides which I love and has a 5:30 pm class and I just joined MOPS at Alamo Heights United Methodist which is a nice group if you're trying to meet other moms. Bonus on the MOPS group is that the meetings are in the evenings and they provide free childcare if you need it for the meetings.
Re: New Single Mom
Have you checked out meetup.com? There are meetups for moms who want to meet other moms and do playdates. I bet you could meet lots of people who could be helpful. I'm also a new mommy come this February, so I also can't help much. But, good luck and congrats!
If you have time Destination Maternity has free prenatal yoga classes including Saturdays and a couple of evenings a week. I loved them with my first pregnancy and I'm just trying to figure out logistics on how to get there and have childcare this time around.
If you don't have a labor support person yet I would look into a doula. Even with my husband present I think my doula was well worth the money. If money is an issue, I believe San Antonio birth Doulas offers free or sliding scale doulas. I think a doula is especially helpful if you want to have a natural birth, but even for an epidural they are helpful.
I really like the consignment shops for infant clothing. I got almost all of DS's clothing at Once Upon a Child at their dollar sale when he was an infant. I don't find as much at the consignment store's now that DS is a toddler since they stay in the same size longer and are rough on clothes.
If you're planning on breastfeeding I love the La Leche League meetings. It is very helpful and a great group to get help and support from. I started going while pregnant with DS and stopped for a while but I'm now trying to go to the toddler group. I'd also take the hospital class on breastfeeding if you have the time.
I think looking at meet up would be a great idea to find a mom's group. I currently do Stroller Strides which I love and has a 5:30 pm class and I just joined MOPS at Alamo Heights United Methodist which is a nice group if you're trying to meet other moms. Bonus on the MOPS group is that the meetings are in the evenings and they provide free childcare if you need it for the meetings.
Sorry it is so long.