Cloth Diapering

GMD prefolds and newborns

I've been lurking a lot on the CD board and have spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos and reading online reviews and it seems like many CD moms like using the GMD prefolds, particularly for newborns. 

I was wondering if GMD is generally considered the best brand of prefolds and what covers you all would recommend. I was thinking of getting the Best Bottoms shells or the Bummis Super Brites for covers (But I'm leaning toward Bummis.)

I was thinking of purchasing 3 dozen GMD prefolds in newborn size and 2 dozen size small GMD prefolds. If I get the Bummis Super Brites (which I'm leaning toward because they appear to fit different body types better than the Best Bottoms,) I would get 4 newborn size and 4 size small. 

I also plan on purchasing a triple pack of  snappis and making my own cloth wipes. 

Oh and of course a pail liner, wetbag and some Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm in case of diaper rash. I already have spray bottles that I can use to wet the cloth wipes. 

The total for all of this (except the bottom balm,) of is $271.40 with shipping included. 

Is this a good price, or is there somewhere I can find them cheaper? Is there anything else I'll need or does this potential stash look complete? Any other recommendations?


Re: GMD prefolds and newborns

  • I think you've got a pretty good stash there. I would reverse it and get 2 dozen newborn and 3 dozen small, or just the 3 dozen smalls and fold down for a newborn.

    You can buy covers used, but prefolds tend to be expensive used because they're heavy to ship. If you want to buy new, gmd has fair prices.

    I had the bummis super whisper wrap and thirsties duos for covers. Both were fine. I think most covers work fine. The thirsties had gussets around the legs and the bummis didn't, but the bummies had a little pocket at the front and the thirsties didn't. I could use the bummies without a snappi and still get an angel wing fold.

    You might want to get a couple one-piece (pocket or AIO) diapers for use overnight (not for absorbency, because it's hard to see straight at 3 am) or while out, but that is a total luxury not a necessity.

  • imagetokenhoser:

    I think you've got a pretty good stash there. I would reverse it and get 2 dozen newborn and 3 dozen small, or just the 3 dozen smalls and fold down for a newborn.

    You can buy covers used, but prefolds tend to be expensive used because they're heavy to ship. If you want to buy new, gmd has fair prices.

    I had the bummis super whisper wrap and thirsties duos for covers. Both were fine. I think most covers work fine. The thirsties had gussets around the legs and the bummis didn't, but the bummies had a little pocket at the front and the thirsties didn't. I could use the bummies without a snappi and still get an angel wing fold.

    You might want to get a couple one-piece (pocket or AIO) diapers for use overnight (not for absorbency, because it's hard to see straight at 3 am) or while out, but that is a total luxury not a necessity.

    I was thinking of getting a few pockets or AIO after the baby is here, depending on how I feel about nighttime and on the go diapering. I don't think I'll have an issue with the prefolds though, except maybe at night. I guess we'll find out lol! 

    If I got just the 3 dozen size smalls, should I also just get size small covers? would they fit a newborn well?

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  • We used XS covers for the first month, I think, so I'd still get the XS covers either way. The small prefolds will be bulkier than the newborn ones, but I was fine with just folding to fit into the cover. I think all cloth pretty much looks ginormous on a newborn.

    This is all just my personal opinion, of course. Smile

  • imagetokenhoser:

    We used XS covers for the first month, I think, so I'd still get the XS covers either way. The small prefolds will be bulkier than the newborn ones, but I was fine with just folding to fit into the cover. I think all cloth pretty much looks ginormous on a newborn.

    This is all just my personal opinion, of course. Smile

    This for sure. Even when we used our trimmest diapers, it still looked like DS was being swallowed by his diapers.

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  • imagetokenhoser:

    We used XS covers for the first month, I think, so I'd still get the XS covers either way. The small prefolds will be bulkier than the newborn ones, but I was fine with just folding to fit into the cover. I think all cloth pretty much looks ginormous on a newborn.

    This is all just my personal opinion, of course. Smile

    I think I'm going to do this. I'm pretty broke (we're a young couple I'm 19 and he's 21 and we're both in college and he works full time,) and thankfully I already have all my nursery items and tons of baby clothes and other necessities (I'm also thankful I'll be able to stay home with my baby,) but if I can save money I'm definitely going to take advantage of it. To make the small size prefold fit into the newborn cover, do you fold it differently before putting it on the baby, or do you just fold it down once the cover is on?

  • First you fold it to be the right length in the cover, then you put it on the baby however you would normally fold it.

    Like this:

    If money is tight, definitely cut back or even cut out the newborn prefolds.

  • imagetokenhoser:

    First you fold it to be the right length in the cover, then you put it on the baby however you would normally fold it.

    Like this:

    If money is tight, definitely cut back or even cut out the newborn prefolds.

    That's awesome, thanks for the link! 

    I'm going to skip the newborn prefolds, it's okay if the diaper is a little bulky at first! 

    Thanks so much for your help. Do you have any other recommendations?

  • I use Kawaii pocket diapers now that he's in one-size. They're pretty affordable, and they've been lasting well for us. The wholesaler is here and they are in the black friday sale at jackbenatural here.
  • imagetokenhoser:
    I use Kawaii pocket diapers now that he's in one-size. They're pretty affordable, and they've been lasting well for us. The wholesaler is here and they are in the black friday sale at jackbenatural here.

    They are pretty cheap, especially with the 15% off. How many of those would you recommend? Should I just get one or two and build up my stash of them as he gets older?

  • I would just get what you can afford now. You can build up slowly or in big chunks because it will be quite a while before your LO will fit into them. 15% is a pretty good deal, but I know sometimes retailers run Kawaii specials (Sweet Bottoms Baby has done buy so many, get 1 free deals before). One word of advice, I would limit the number of velcro ones you order. Kawaii velcro rubbed my daughter's legs raw. I ended up giving them away. I know not everyone has had this experience, but if you look at reviews, several people have had the same complaint. We have used Minky and Bamboo successfully for almost a year now. They aren't my favorite diaper (because they are bulkier than Bum Genius), but they have been good diapers. Another word of advice-check out the clearance and used section of Cotton Babies (they make Bum Genius). This is where I have bought most of my BGs.They don't come with inserts, but many people say they use their small prefolds as inserts when they outgrow them. Good luck!
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  • Proraps are cheaper than most other covers, and they have a newborn size.  They don't have the color/design selection of some of the others, but if money is an issue, this might be a brand worth looking into.  My baby is not due until March, and I have 1 of the Prorap covers in my Newborn stash, so I have no experience with them, but I've read good things. 
    M/C #1 2001 (6w1d); M/C #2: 10/02/10 (4w4d); M/C #3 05/26/11 (4w3d) Clomid BFP #4 7/18/11 @ 9DPO Please baby stick! Beta #1 (11DPO)=51; Beta #2 (13DPO)=170; Beta #3 (19DPO)=2659!! EDD: 03/31/12
  • I'd recommend just getting the small prefolds (yellow edge) and Thirsties Duo 1s with aplix. They fit DD (almost 8lbs at birth so pretty average) fine in the beginning folded down (though bulky) and will definitely fit through one size fitting. Easy and super cheap.
  • imagekittycatg12:
    I would just get what you can afford now. You can build up slowly or in big chunks because it will be quite a while before your LO will fit into them. 15% is a pretty good deal, but I know sometimes retailers run Kawaii specials (Sweet Bottoms Baby has done buy so many, get 1 free deals before). One word of advice, I would limit the number of velcro ones you order. Kawaii velcro rubbed my daughter's legs raw. I ended up giving them away. I know not everyone has had this experience, but if you look at reviews, several people have had the same complaint. We have used Minky and Bamboo successfully for almost a year now. They aren't my favorite diaper (because they are bulkier than Bum Genius), but they have been good diapers. Another word of advice-check out the clearance and used section of Cotton Babies (they make Bum Genius). This is where I have bought most of my BGs.They don't come with inserts, but many people say they use their small prefolds as inserts when they outgrow them. Good luck!

    Minky and Bamboo are made by Kawaii right? Also, I tried to view the used diaper section on Cotton Babies but it only had an option to see the buyback price for used diapers. Do I need to sign up in order to actually see the used section?

    Thanks for your advice =)

  • imagekar5162:
    I'd recommend just getting the small prefolds (yellow edge) and Thirsties Duo 1s with aplix. They fit DD (almost 8lbs at birth so pretty average) fine in the beginning folded down (though bulky) and will definitely fit through one size fitting. Easy and super cheap.

    I'm thinking I'm going to do this. I also bought some VGUC pockets from old_time_girl.... 7 pockets and 5 extra inserts for $39! I'm thinking of maybe getting one or two fitteds as well, just to try them out and see if I like them. 

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