Cloth Diapering

I hate my cloth diapers--vent

I wanted to love them, I really did.  But they give my LO a rash.  He is fine in the 3 leading brands of disposables, but cloth irritates the heck out of his skin.  I have a stash of the cutest cloth diapers I have ever seen and I can't use them.  I'm not sure if I should try again later (although this week was the second attempt) or just call it a wrap. 

Re: I hate my cloth diapers--vent

  • Cloth isn't usually an 'it works or it doesn't' kind of thing. There are lots of things to consider and tons of ways to troubleshoot rashes.
    If you give us some details we can probably help out =)

    How often are you changing the diapers?

    What is your wash routine like?
    Are you using an additives in your wash routine?
    What detergent are you using? Have you tried other kinds?

    What fabric are the inners of your diapers made of?

    Are you putting microfiber next to baby's skin?

    Are you using diaper cream? What kind?

    Are you using cloth wipes? What is your solution made from?

    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • What have you done to help mitigate the rash?

    Have you tried different detergents?

    Is your stash predominantly microfiber?

    Have you tried using a liner?

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  • What do you wash them in? Are they suedecloth or fleece lined? Is the rash all over or just a certain area?
  • Ditto all of the questions above.


    Hope you get it figured out!

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  • I would make sure you're rinsing them really well. Or change detergents. Maybe your LO is having a reaction to that?
  • I struggled with getting the ph balance of my diapers correct for a while and found I needed to get the detergent out better (an extra rinse) and added vinegar for that rinse.  Worked great, he was getting a really ugly rash constantly before that.
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  • I found that one detergeant I used caused DS to have a rash.  I can't remember what it was, but I would recommend trying that and other changes to wash routine first.

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