
C-section Pre-op Appointment?

My baby is breech and there is no room for him to turn, so a c-section has been scheduled for December 2nd. I have to go in for a pre-op appointment on December 1st. Can anyone tell me what happens at these appointments?

The scheduler was a bit brusque and told me that I would be meeting with the anesthesiologist, but that's about all she told me. 

DS 12.02.11

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Re: C-section Pre-op Appointment?

  • I didn't have one...so I have no clue. We scheduled my c-section months before my dd was born and this time around we scheduled it just last week. No mention of pre-op
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  • At ours we talked to a OB nurse and she filled out paper work went over how things would go that day, what I was and wasn't allowed or suppose to do the night before as in eating. They gave me a special sponge to clean with the morning of. When talked about breastfeeding, how the pregnancy has being going and things like that. I also got my blood drawn just so you know because I was unaware until they sent me there. When we came in for c-section we went straight to OB becasue paper work was already filled out which was nice. Good luck with your's!

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  • They called me to do the pre-op. The nurse just asked me a ton of questions about my history (medical, surgical, family). Then she asked about getting my tubes tied (which I'm doing), some things about the baby - circumcision, breast/bottle.

    She went over what time to arrive, and when I could stop eating/drinking, etc.

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  • I never had one. I just had my last OB appointment 4 days before my scheduled RCS.
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  • I never had one. I didn't know that they had pre-op appointments for c-sections.
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  • Make sure all the forms are signed, walk you throught the process, tell you what time to check in, tell you what not to eat, ask who will be with you. I had pre-op's with 2 of my c/s's.
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  • I was already hospitalized for pre-e, but we did a pre-op, which included paperwork, insurance info, they would have drawn blood, talked about if we would be BFing, went over what would happen, etc.


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  • I just spoke to the hospital about this today.  They said at my pre-op they will take my blood and I will sign all the consent ppwk.  They will also go over everything with me, like what I can/can't eat and drink and what time and where to come in before the c-section.

    I already met with the anesthesiologist when I pre-registered at the hospital, but if you didn't do that yet I'm sure it will be included.  They said they get all ppwk ready so when I get there the day of the c-section I am all ready to go and not have to deal with any ppwk.

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