
Aaah. Finally!

I have been wanting to ask "What does IF think" all day! Haha. I am on Day 5 of stims and my Estradiol is at 590. RE wants me to double my pm does of Menopur beginning tonight because he says he wants to see it increase a little faster. I go back tomorrow for blood work and u/s.  Thoughts?

I gave you life, then you gave me mine.

TTC February 2008 to October 2008 One year forced break due to OIF deployment #2
Resumed TTC in October 2009 HSG, Hysteroscopy, S/A all clear
Five total medicated cycles and IUI #1-3 = BFN and all while we were still "unexplained IF"
25 August Lap revealed Endo, adhesions and blocked left tube
September 2011: Femara + IUI #4 (IUI #1 post endo removal) =BFFN
November: IVF #1: Stims started 11/16 ER 11/25 (7R, 5F) ET 11/30 Transferred 2 beautiful expanding blastocysts +HPT 12/6/11
Beta #1 at 9dp5dt=153! Beta #2 at 16dp5dt= 4009!

Ultrasound 12/30 showed one beautiful heartbeat! EDD 17 August, 2012

Hazel Evelyn arrived 10 August, 2012!

Surprise natural BFP March 2015. M/C at 5 weeks
Another surprise natural BFP April 2015

Re: Aaah. Finally!

  • I don't think I was at your level on day 5....I believe I was only 469. They bumped me up by a half-vial, and I hit 1029 on day 9, and over 2000 by day 11. Don't worry! It will recover quickly.
    ME: 30 DH: 30
    TTC #1 since 3/2010
    DX: Unclear-potential MF (low motility, borderline count); currently unexplained
    Ultrasound/HSG- Feb 2011
    Lap: May 2011
    Clomid/IUI Cycle #1: 6/2011
    Clomid/IUI Cycle #2: 7/2011
    Clomid/IUI Cycle #3: 8/2011
    9/2011 Switched REs...and more testing
    DX: Unexplained- borderline MFI
    IVF #1: 11/09/2011- BFP!!
    Beta #1: 241; Beta #2: 666
    Ultrasound scheduled for 5w6d
    Baby girl born 8.14.12
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