anywhere north/northwest areas would be great, any recommedations??
TTC since 2005
missed miscarriage nov 2006- 4 failed clomid cycles-
3 failed femara iui cycles-
moving on to IVF oct 2011
ER nov. 7th
tansfered 2 blasts on 11/10
lots of +hpt!!
beta #1 on 11/21= 50.4
beta #2 on11/23= 90.8
another miscarriage 12/23
moving on to Round 2 of IVF with an auto immune dx
ER 4/23-retrieved 12 eggs
ET 4/28 3 transfered
Beta #1- 356
Beta #2- 870
Re: norhtwest suburb midwives??
I'm switching to a midwife practice this coming week. I will be going to Generation Women's Health in Shoreview. Although, I haven't seen anyone there yet, I looked at them based on recommendations from friends and reviews online.
This is who delivered my dd and I'm going to them for my 2nd too. Nothing but good things to say. They have a dr in the practice too- Dr. Laura France- she is great also.
Photo taken at 16 months old
We might be delivering around the same time:)
Photo taken at 16 months old
Ha! I forget - I know this was brought up in my earlier thread - but are you delivering at St. Joe's or John's? We toured John's today, but I'm really thinking I'm going to go to Joe's. I guess maybe they have two midwives on call in case people are at each hospital? I haven't thought about that before...
I'm delivering at St. Johns. That's where I delivered my 1st and had a great experience there. I never toured St. Joes. The reason we went with St. Johns is they had a higher level NICU (level 3?- can take babies at 28 weeks), parking was easier, and I had heard really good things about them. I'm sure they work together if there are 2 people in labor at the same time at different hospitals. When I delivered my daughter I had 2 midwives there and Dr. France so and I got awesome care from them.
Photo taken at 16 months old