
Won't sleep after 11 pm feeding....

My preemie won't sleep after his 11 pm feeding. He cries and cries like he is still so hungry. All the other feeding seem to satisfy him, exept this one. How can I get him to settle down, so I can sleep? TIA!

Re: Won't sleep after 11 pm feeding....

  • Maybe give him one more ounce?


  • Have you tried giving him a little more? My LO eats more at her last feeding and it seems to help her sleep.

    If that's not the issue, try moving the feeding up a little bit. DD gets over tired and over stimulated and that makes it really hard for her to go to sleep. Moving her last feeding of the night up an hour made a huge difference for us. 

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  • He probably either needs more food (my LO takes a lot at night), or is overtired.  If DS is overtied he's super fussy after his last bottle b/c he just wants to sleep, but can't get there without fussing.
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