Minnesota Babies

Daycare St. Anthony, NE Mpls, New Brighton, Shoreview

Hi all- Looking for recommendations for daycare. It is for a 18 month-old. We are open to centers and home daycares.

 Thank you!

Re: Daycare St. Anthony, NE Mpls, New Brighton, Shoreview

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    I toured and loved Jack and Jill in Roseville (the corner of new brighton blvd. and county road C).  My DS couldn't go there so we are at a kindercare in mounds view which I also like.  I would NOT recommend the creative kids in mounds view - we had an awful experience there and I still regret not reporting them to their certification board.

    ETA: DS couldn't go there because they couldn't accommodate our part time schedule 

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    Dont know if you are still looking but Nancy Franceen in Columbia Heights (almost NE minneapolis) is FANTASTIC!


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