I am new to CDing and i have been using a variety of bum genius styles for the last few days with my 14lb 2 month old. It seems the 3.0 and 4.0 styles arent fitting well in the leg holes and are also way too bulky around the waist even with one insert. The bum genius aio elemental's are perfect as far as bulk goes and seemed to be a much better fit in the legs. I'm quite content with them containing his poops.... with disposables we've been battling up the back blow outs but the BG aio's have a great elastic around the back and are continaing his poops very well. BUT.... it seems twice they leaked his pee somehow... i noticed my pants and the chair i was sitting on had a damp wet spot and another time my bed spread... the strange thing is, both times his clothing wasn't wet at all! How is it possible his pee could have escaped the diaper without getting his clothing wet?? Anyone else experience this? Any suggestions on making my existing stash work better somehow?
Re: strange Bum genius aio phenomenon