Makes me think of my son! His name is Dominic. I love it! I don't think its too popular. I think its in the top 100 (maybe even top50) but that's not so bad as top 10.<------my Dominic
I love this name, and I fell in love with this name when I watched the fast and the furious. I also like the nickname Dom, so that is what I think of when I hear the name.
Honestly, Dominic makes me think of Dom from Fast and Furious. Hahaha. But I like the name.
Married on August 15, 2009
TTC #1 since October 2009
Diagnosed with PCOS September 2011
Started Metformin November 2011
3T December Siggy Challenge:Favorite Holiday Movie: The Santa Clause.
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Re: When you hear.....
Ah! I like the name Dominic a lot. It makes me think of someone strong, handsome and capable.
I also love the nickname Dom. So cute on a little kid, and really cool on an adult as well.
i like it!
strong and uncommon
Love it, makes me think of my grandfather
I really like the name Dominic. As long as you're okay with the nickname "Dom." (which I also don't mind).
I think it's a good choice.
EDD 07/29/2017
TTC #1 since October 2009
Diagnosed with PCOS September 2011
Started Metformin November 2011
3T December Siggy Challenge:Favorite Holiday Movie: The Santa Clause.
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Everything she said!
Makes me think of a guy I went to school with and he got called Dom. Or Charlie off lost becaust thats his name lol
Its not popular though, I only know one age (21)