Cloth Diapering

HELP! Stinky dryer balls

Our cay peed on some things, and they really stunk.  We put them through the wash, and dried them and they still smell like cat pee - and now so do our dryer balls.  Anything I can do to get the stink out of the dryer balls?
TTC #1 June 2010
1/3/11 S/A - Count 45; Motility 32; Morph 4.3 - 2/10/11 - S/A Count 17mil; Motility 39; Morph 7.9
1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN  2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone suppositories 
Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
TTC#2 Pulled goalie 5/12, PPAF 3/13, BFP 6/27 Beta 15DPO=248! 
Dx Severe Hydrocephalus and severe Dandy Walker Cyst.   Stillborn 10/19/13
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
TTC#3 - (No preventing, TTC+progesterone starting 12/13)
4/7/14 CD3 BW - FSH 5.6; AMH 0.469 - 4/11/14 S/A Count 35, Motility 47, Morph 1.5
4/16/14 - Cycle 6 - Natural IUI - Beta 12DPIUI = 3; Beta 13DPIUI=4.  15DPIUI=6. 17DPIU=4. Chemical Pregnancy  
TTC #4
5/5/14 Dx MTHFR homozygous A1298C, Benched 1 cycle HSG 5/14 both tubes open w/scarring on the left   
5/28/14 Starting clomid 6/8/14 IUI #2 1 dominant follicle 31mm Beta 11DPIUI =4, 15DPIUI = 74, 17DPIUI = 165 
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Re: HELP! Stinky dryer balls

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