
do you have a maclaren quest/triumph/volo??

If so, what parent cup holder do you have on it?  I am looking at the BOB console and wonder if a Starbucks will fit in the "bottle holders"  :)   I already bought the Prince Lionheart universal cupholder (plastic thingie) and i HATE's flimsy and breaks off when I fold up the stroller and throw it in the trunk!


thanks :) 

Re: do you have a maclaren quest/triumph/volo??

  • I have a quest and use the Valco cup holder.  I also have a bob with the console and would not recommend putting a cup with hot coffee in it!  It spills very easily. 
  • I was just coming in to say buy the Valco cup holder and then I saw the first reply was for the Valco. I don't use it on my Quest. I use it on my P&T Vibe though and love it. It holds a grande Starbucks with no spilling. Even on a long walk. It holds a Smart Water or sippy. I love it. Expect it to get smashed up a bit (doesn't break off) if you are constantly throwing it in your trunk. Still, no biggie.
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  • I have the Maclaren universal cup holder. It is similar to the BOB that it is the lycra material.  The only liquid that it really holds well is a closed water bottle.  No way would I put hot coffee in it.  Too flimsy.
  • Triumph, I don't use a cup holder, I just hold my coffee.
  • I use the Valco cup holder on the Triumph.
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