Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Can babies have real maple syrup?

This is probably a dumb question, but can our LO's have maple syrup? We are going on vacation next week with all of my in-laws, and I know there wil be some dishes baked with maple syrup. Can LO eat them? Could he have maple syrup on a pancake? ( I know it is all sugar so not an everyday food. He just gets pieces of pancake with butter now). WDYT?
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Re: Can babies have real maple syrup?

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    I would like to know also. My mother has given her a few taste of the syrup which wasn't okay with me.
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    I would like to know also. My mother has given her a few taste of the syrup which wasn't okay with me.

    This sounds like my in-laws. They all have kids so I can see them telling me "its fine," even if its not.   

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    I would like to know also. My mother has given her a few taste of the syrup which wasn't okay with me.

    This sounds like my in-laws. They all have kids so I can see them telling me "its fine," even if its not.   

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    I wouldnt do it. Maybe whip your LO up a fresh plain pancake or something, or even french toast would be faster.  Its def better with syrup on it though ;-)

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    I wouldnt do it. Maybe whip your LO up a fresh plain pancake or something, or even french toast would be faster.  Its def better with syrup on it though ;-)


    I would give my child maple syrup before french toast.   

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    I wouldnt do it. Maybe whip your LO up a fresh plain pancake or something, or even french toast would be faster.  Its def better with syrup on it though ;-)


    I would give my child maple syrup before french toast.   

    Why is that? I'm assuming you are worried about eggs? Many LOs have already had eggs and have done fine with them, especially by 9-12 months.

    eta: I probably wouldn't give LO a pancake/french toast with syrup (because like you said it's pure sugar and he likes them fine without syrup), but I wouldn't avoid an otherwise fairly healthy dish that happens to have maple syrup in it.

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    I wouldnt do it. Maybe whip your LO up a fresh plain pancake or something, or even french toast would be faster.  Its def better with syrup on it though ;-)


    I would give my child maple syrup before french toast.   

    I am dying to hear the reasoning for this.

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    Yeah, me too!  Why?
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    I wouldn't put syrup on pancakes because it isn't needed. LO likes plain pancakes (no butter) just fine, no reason to introduce him the heaven that is syrup yet.  If it was baked into something and that was the meal, I would let him have some.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

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    I wouldn't put syrup on pancakes because it isn't needed. LO likes plain pancakes (no butter) just fine, no reason to introduce him the heaven that is syrup yet.  If it was baked into something and that was the meal, I would let him have some.

    Many of my feeding decisions are based on "Would I mind sharing this if he really likes it?" Yogurt? I'll share. Green beans? Go ahead. Real maple syrup? Pfft, not until he can appreciate it.

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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I wouldn't put syrup on pancakes because it isn't needed. LO likes plain pancakes (no butter) just fine, no reason to introduce him the heaven that is syrup yet.  If it was baked into something and that was the meal, I would let him have some.
    Same here. They don't know what they are missing, so there is absolutely zero need to give them anything sugary. To the PP about French toast...Earth's Best makes an organic one, and I serve them to C about once per week plain.
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    I wouldn't put syrup on pancakes because it isn't needed. LO likes plain pancakes (no butter) just fine, no reason to introduce him the heaven that is syrup yet.  If it was baked into something and that was the meal, I would let him have some.

    Many of my feeding decisions are based on "Would I mind sharing this if he really likes it?" Yogurt? I'll share. Green beans? Go ahead. Real maple syrup? Pfft, not until he can appreciate it.



    this is hilarious! i love it! 

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