LGBT Parenting


Yesterday I fell as I was leaving work, and you know how your body seems to hurt more the next day? Well, as we were getting in the van this morning I was complaining to C how much my arm and shoulder hurt. As soon as she turned on the ignition this song came on:

We both laughed so hard...(must admit, I do reminisce about the Miller Light--huge belt buckle days! LOL!)


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Re: Apropos

  • /Dead

    Seriously, I just died.  I KNEW that was going to be the song the moment I read the post.  That's totally K's song and when she sings along on the radio she just shakes her head at how she just isn't what she used to be. lol!

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  • Hahahaha. Thanks for the good laugh this morning, I needed that. I'm glad aside from a few aches you're ok! Seriously...what's wrong with a biga$$ buckle and some cheap beer?!Wink
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  • can't hear the song - but hope you are feeling better! :)
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