Military Families


I have been posting a lot today, so I thought I would introduce myself.  I was in the Army for about 5 years.  I got out when I had my daughter.  My DH is still AD Army.  We are currently stationed in Germany and just received orders for Ft. Bliss next year (any advice there would be appreciated).  Hello all!

Re: Introduction

  • Welcome! Congrats on your pregnancy! I home you have a smooth move to Bliss. I know a few people who live there, and they say its ok. But they both lived in Hawaii from me, so I know most places would be just ok after Hawaii haha. I hope someone can help you out with more details.

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  • Welcome to the board and congrats!! :)
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  • Hey I am new here too! Cool to see a fellow former AD girl! I did 6 years AD and DH is still in at about 12 yrs now. Congrats and hope your move goes well!
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