Please tell me this has happened to someone. Not someone who finally lost that 5lbs and was back at their usual 120lbs. A significant weight loss. 10 pounds plus?? Anyone?
I am killing myself working out, cutting calories, and my weight will. not. budge. I want to scream. I used to be that skinny biitch, and now I'm stuck here at 160 (at 5'4" that is not healthy). So please someone give me hope, tell me you lost a shiit ton of weight after weaning.
FWIW I still haven't had my period. My doctor said something about a hormonal shift that could help my weight loss when I finally get AF back, but this was almost 6 months ago. Has anyone heard of that?
Re: Anyone lose a ton of weight after weaning??
This totally gives me hope! I will more than likely be weaning DS within the month I'm thinking. I mean I'm already down 10 lbs from my pre-preg weight but I'm still about 15 lbs overweight (IMO).
I love this thread. I swear my body holds on to every bite I eat like it will be the last. My weight stays exactly the same, so why bother trying?
The only problem is that I wasn't planning on weaning before I got pg again... :sigh: I just don't know.
I wish. I had the opposite happen - was super skinny while nursing, and now can't shake the extra weight.
I love you for giving me hope!! This is the kind of story I was looking for.
BFing has gotten to be so easy that I just had put weaning on the back burner. DS still nurses multiple times a day and 2 times at night. I'm kind of over it, but every time I think I'm ready to wean I just feel mean. DS gets a cold, or has teeth coming in, and nursing is a huge comfort to him at those times.
Thank you for sharing and giving me hope : )
I have thought so many times that AF was coming, and then nothing. I never thought I would want it to come back so bad, unfortunately I think I'll have to wean to make that happen.
This does make me feel better. Thank you!
This is me too. I have not lost weight due to BF. I initially lost maybe 10-15lbs, and since then nothing really. My typical pre-preg weight is 117lbs (plus or minus 2), so being stuck at 160 is a huge hit to my confidence. I don't carry it well, I look like a damn stuffed sausage.
It wasn't related to weaning, but when DD was about 13-14 months, my body stopped hanging on to the weight. I don't really feel like I did much different - still eating well and exercising. But, actually, it did coincide with when I got AF back. So maybe your doctor is right.
I'm still nursing a couple of times a day.
BFP#1 06/01/09~DS Born 01/29/10 via c/s
BFP#2 05/17/12~EDD 01/18/13~Natural M/C 05/27/12@6w2d
BFP#3 07/03/12~DD Born 03/08/13 via sched. c/s
BFP #4 10/03/13 EDD 06/09/14 SURPRISE!!! On our way to 2u2!
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)...BF questions/concens welcome!
good luck!!
I have always been slim, and put on heaps of weight (25kg) while pregnant. I steadily lost it after birth and while breastfeeding but still had an extra 5k. Also the distribution of fat has changed - I used to store it on bum and thighs only, but as soon as I got pregnant I suddenly got love handles and belly fat (it was my first sign!).
I was down to one feed a day for about 2 months. Then dropped that single feed 2 weeks ago and I’ve shrunk at at almost alarming rate! Alongside this my appetite has almost disappeared. I used to be a small eater but while breast feeding was so hungry. (Daughter is 20 months)
I also want to conceive in 6 months, and for me it was important to replenish my nutrient stores etc between weaning and second pregnancy, and a bonus seems to be the return of my pre baby body (except my now pancake boobs!!)
Hope this gives some help. I know some of my friends have had the opposite - weight gain after weaning. I think it’s important to listen carefully to your appetite changes, as the body definitely wants to shed extra pounds at this time if you let it (mine does anyway!)
I got my period back 11 weeks after birth despite full time breastfeeding, so the weight loss seems unrelated