Hi, I'm not on much anymore, but I want to share my birth story with you all, since my second pregnancy was very different from my first!
My pregnancy with Reese was drastically different from my experience with Cooper. I was monitored weekly, seeing both an MFM and my regular OB. At my 35 week appointment I had trace protein at my MFM appt, despite being clear that morning at the OB. I was ordered to do a 24 hr catch, which I turned in on Friday. The next day, I had 30 seconds of flashers and floaters- it seriously looked like tiny illuminated sperm were swimming around in front of my eyes. I called my OB, and he said to come in if it happened again- it didn?t. Through all of this, my pressures were fine, 120/80 or lower. But I just felt off- I told DH that the baby was coming this week, and to prepare himself.
Monday, my 24 hr catch revealed that my protein was a little over 300, which is technically pre-e. I was put on bedrest, and told I would be delivering sooner than my scheduled c-section date at 38w5d. I was also ordered to do another 24 hr catch, which I picked up for Tuesday.
Wednesday, I had labs drawn in the morning. My H?s grandmother watched Cooper while I took a nap, and a friend brought by some meals that the girls from my Bible study had prepared. I still felt really wrong- I could not explain it, but I felt the way I did the couple of days before Cooper was born, so I was taking my BP about every 20 minutes, and it was a little higher, but nothing alarming. Grandma left when C went down for a nap. Within 20 minutes my BP was hitting 140/100, going up and down. My OB tried to get my lab results, and had no luck, so he sent me to L&D. My FIL came to hang with Cooper, and my mom came with me so DH could stay at work, since I assumed I would be put on hospital bed rest until I hit 37 weeks. My pressures continued to increase as the afternoon went on, and my nurse warned me that I would most likely be delivering the next morning. I told DH to get home, eat something and get to the hospital. My labs came back, and she said they were going to be moving someone else back and I would be having the baby tonight.
Reese was born via c-section at 12:07 am at 36 weeks 4 days. 6 lbs, 5 oz 18.5 inches long. She came out hooting and hollering, the most beautiful noise I have ever heard.
The weirdest part about my second pre-e experience, is that I never felt THAT bad. The highest my BP got was 160/110. Nothing compared to 240/150, which is what it hit with Cooper.
Reese is now 6 weeks old, we had some feeding and weight struggles in the beginning, but have managed to work things out and she is now a breastfeeding champ. We are all so, so in love with our little girl!
Re: Birth Story
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence