Cloth Diapering

So many options...

I decided to try cloth diapering on a whim and it has been going great! When we made the decision to CD we decided to use disposables for on the go figuring that it would be easier and DD doesn't go out too much anyway. It has been a lot easier than I expected and I would really like to CD exclusively and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good "on-the-go CD". We are currently using Fuzzibunz and they are just ok. I have noticed a few different brands and was wondering if anyone can recommend a CD...any help would be greatly appreciated :)
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Re: So many options...

  • I use fuzzibunz and bg 4.0 for babysitters and church, but when I'm changing the diaper, I usually use PFs and a cover (flip or econobum).  If your DD is eating solids, you might try using a flushable insert for "on-the-go", then at least you don't have to worry about transporting soiled diapers.  I preferred the Imse Vimse liners over Bummis because the Bummis seemed to bunch up and I ended up with poop on the diaper still.
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  • Fuzzibunz or bumgenius 
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  • I use pockets when on the go. I don't have a specific brand that's my exclusive "on the go" diaper, but I typically reach for my BGs, Nykibaby, or Kawaii if I know we're going out to the store, the playground, etc.
  • We like BG Elementals and Bummis Easy Fits for on the go. 
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  • Thank you ladies very much! I hadn't heard of kawaii's but I like them. I'm gonna get a few of those and a few of the bumgenius 4.0 brands. :)
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  • Our on-the-go cds are elementals. They are super trim, so they don't take up much room in the diaper bag. They also fold up pretty small, so I can fit a couple in my small wet bag.
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  • Bumgenius Elementals. They are so trim, both for the diaper bag and under pants. 
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