Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Does anyone else suffer from vaginal throbbing during periods?

OKAY. So, ever since I got my period back, for the first day or so, my vagina like... throbs. It sucks walking around or standing for more than a few minutes.I told my DH at Target that it felt like someone kicked me square in the vag. It's like the same kind of pain I had right after I gave birth. I did tear but it wasn't bad.

Is this just another wonderful aspect of post-pregnancy? Like how I still randomly pee myself a little when I sneeze? 

And hello, I'm new. 

Re: Does anyone else suffer from vaginal throbbing during periods?

  • I get slight throbbing. It's more of just a sensation than pain. I get it right before I get my period, and maybe for the first day I have it. Have you ever talked to your doctor about it?
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  • I haven't yet. I just thought it was normal after having a baby and tearing. It's never happens pre-baby so that's why I'm thinking it's from tearing. 

    I'll definitely have to ask the next time I go to the doctor. 

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  • I have this sensation in my vagina and in my leg, but only for the 1st day of my period.  So glad to hear I'm not alone!  I had varicose veins during pregnancy and my OB said it was a result of them (weakening veins) and hormonal changes during my period. 
  • yes and my son is almost 2, its around my cycle so i'm thinking its permanent even though random

  • (Raises hand). Me! Its not painful or anything, just a minor throbbing sensation. Glad to hear its normal and common! :)
  • I had it until I switched tampon brands, now I haven't felt it for the past couple of  cycles... maybe it's just me, but just a suggestion!
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  • Just found this looking for an answer to the same issues ive been having since giving birth. Was told it could be spd? Just want to know if you ever got an answer to what was causing it??
  • *Dirty Lurker*
    I have really bad throbbing the first and sometimes second day of AF. It hurts so bad especially if I am standing. If I take tons of ibuprofen it takes the edge off. I haven't talked to the doc about it because I have endometriosis and lots of pain and crazy symptoms with AF and our conclusion was to put me on birth control with no periods so it solved that.

    Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
  • Oh my gosh I have this too! I don't recall having it before giving birth. This may be TMI but I have to take my tampon out sometimes because of it. Hard to explain but... LOL
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  • OMG!!! I have been searching the internet for an answer to why this happens and haven't found any good answers. I never had it before I delivered my son who is now 13 months old. I'm not sure it has anything to do with having my period because I feel it on random days that I am not on my period. The pain can be intense and down right uncomfortable to the point of not feeling like I can stand or walk around anymore...and my pain tolerance is pretty high. I have been having the pain all evening again today (I am on my period right now). Would love to know why this happens and if there is any way to prevent it...will keep searching for answers...
  • I'm so glad I'm not alone!  I have a 3 yr old and a 14 month old.  It throbs so bad the first day of my period when my cramps start.  It's like I can't stand up or walk around for more than 5 minutes at a time.  I joke with my husband that I think something is trying to fall out of me.  It just feels like so much pressure.  Glad I'm not alone but I can't imagine dealing with this for the rest of life?!?!  surely there's an answer?  I thought it might go away when I started exercising again, (kinda like the pee'ing when sneezing did) but not feeling so lucky on this one.  :)
  • I have a sensation during my period (only started after having a baby) where I feel like I am being stretched.  It hurts pretty bad at times, and it's hard to stand.  Maybe this is the same thing.  So annoying.  Will mention to my OBGYN when I go soon. 

  • YES! I've always gotten this - pre-pregnancy, while pregnant, and now post. Seems to be a life long ailment. Not sure what causes it, but glad I'm not the only one!

    Little T Born 2/26/13
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  • Kind of sucks to be female, huh!  Bleh!  ;-P

  • weird that this suddenly resurfaced, and that it's in the toddler thread. ;) but i get this too! i wondered if it had something to do with internal scar tissue getting irritated by dryness caused by the tampon? i was planning to ask my OB about it at my next checkup. never experienced this pre-baby.
  • I was searching for answers and came across this. I'm 4.5 months pp from my second vaginal birth, didnt tear, didnt have any vaginal complications. I'm on period number 4 (I know, lucky me came back at 5 weeks pp even with ebf) but todays the first day, I was a week late, and now I cant stand for more than a couple minutes. Feels like a sledge hammer was taken to my crotch. Its awful. Did anyone ever figure out what caused it or talk to their doctor? It's so painful..
  • I have the same issue as well. Day 1 and 2 of my period I have a throbbing and heavy pain in my vagina. Only started after I gave birth. As described in other replies, standing for more than 5 mins is unbearable. Usually a warm bath with essential oils soothes the pain. I use the Diva Cup and my doc suggested I stop to see if I noticed a difference. She thought perhaps the suction of the cup was causing the pain. Nope it wasn’t the cup. If only the solution was that easy! Does anyone have any answers?!?
  • Interesting. I've never noticed that
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