
1st time appointments

My husband and I have been TTC for 12 months now. I am getting so hopeless and am going to make an appointment with my doctor to talk more about it. I am pretty sure there is a fertility problem because I have super irregular periods, we have been having regular sex for a year now and ovulation kits never seem to tell me that I'm ovulating. The only problem is I can't seem to pick up the phone and actually make the appointment.....i'm so completely nervous. Does anyone else have a similar situation....any tips on how to get past this? I know it sounds so ridiculous.....

Re: 1st time appointments

  • Just because you get the ball rolling doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be neck deep in treatments. Anyway, the whole process can take a long time to even get going. A consultation with an RE can take months to book, not to mention figuring out which clinic you are interested in or if you have any insurance coverage. We are all faced with decisions about moving forward (what treatments to pursue, what options are right for us), and generally we do it when we're ready to. 

    I should add, it's something that you need to decide on together as a couple. 

  • It's not ridiculous at all.  It took me a long time to pull the trigger, too.  I think for me it was making a mental jump from "we're having trouble TTC" to "Infertility."  I would say make an appointment with your regular GYN and s/he can at least do some preliminary tests and get the ball rolling.  No need to try to research REs at this point.  Your GYN can probably recommend an RE if it comes to that.  If you're not ovulating, you may just need some clomid to get KU.  Just make sure you are monitored if your doc puts you on clomid.

    You just gotta dive in and make that one phone call.  It will take 2 minutes and you'll feel better once you do.  Good luck!


    TTC since September 2009.

    IVF #2: +HPT 2/6/12! ~ Boy/Girl Twins!!

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  • Making that appointment was super hard and not at all ridiculous! For me I feared they were going to tell me "yeah right". But not knowing was making me crazy!! My cycle has been way off too lately. I just needed that piece of mind... To have a biological child or get on a list to adopt. I had that urgency to get to the next step and not knowing was making me physically ill! The office i go to made me feel comfortable with the first call. My first call I made 15 minutes before i had to go to a meeting, I am a social worker so for me it was like I was making an appt for a client. Good luck!!
    TTC #1 since 5/10 BFP 4/9/11 Natural M/C 5/15/11 Hypothyroidism and PCOS Clomid 1/13...
  • It took me ages, too.  In fact, way too long in retrospect... but at the time, my feelings mirrored yours, which are completely understandable!!

    We TTC for 5 years before I made the call.  I regret that.  As others have said, a call and consult are just that - and you are in the driver's seat when it comes to when/if to take next steps. Knowledge is power... and I found it incredibly comforting when I finally had answers.  Best of luck. 

    38. DH 40. TTC since 2005.
    Earlier m/c. DX (finally) 10/10: abnormal acrosome.
    ICSI #1 3dt 11/20/11 HPT BFP 11/30 Our beautiful daughters were born July 28, 2012.

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  • I would see an RE if you do decide to pursue treatment. Their diagnostics are much more comprehensive than what a GYN will do, and they will have way more experience treating you. You don't go to your PCP when you have a toothache...
  • I remember the feeling when my AF came and I told my self that this would be the month that I would call. I picked up the phone and called them after work..the lady on the phone was so incredibly eased all my worries!


    If your insurance covers RE visits, I honestly wouldn't waste time. Going to the gyn can be really hard if it is also an OB office. I had a bad experience at my OB/GYN, always felt like my DR thought I was exaggerating the TTC thing, and I just didn't feel important....but at the RE, at least at mine, I feel so important, and they are all so kind and considerate.

    That's just my advice..I wish I had gone to the RE months sooner b/c the testing does take a while. If it does take a while to get an appointment, you can help speed things up by getting your baseline bloodwork done, and sperm analysis. Then that way at your first appointment, the RE can rule out a few things.


    Good luck!

    Me: 27, DH 30. TTC since June'10. Lap. in Aug'11 to open right tube, and remove very mild endo. DH just fine. IUI #1 Oct.2011, BFN, cyst forced to wait, IUI#2 BFN. Taking a break before deciding what to do next. No family history of infertility, no known health issues. IF Blog:
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