
POLL about our girl name choice:

We're 99% set on Raina (pronounced just like it's spelled: RAIN-a) for our girl name.  I'm trying to gauge whether this is going to get a lot of wrinkled noses from family/friends, or if we might be OK to go ahead and share it when people ask.  So, what do you think of it?



Re: POLL about our girl name choice:

  • I like it alot=)  I am kinda iffy on the spelling. I have seen "Rayna." 
  • I am not a fan, but it might be b/c I had a student named that and she was awful. ?LOL ?So I tend to see a "Raina" as a certain type of person.
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  • My last name is Reyna, pronouced like your choice of names so I am not sure about it.
  • I like it...I really like how it goes with Keira
  • I knew someone with that name, and I don't think most people we knew thought it was a pretty name.
  • I wanted to vote for you not to do that to your child, but Raina is #1 on my phantom girl list. I think it's very pretty without being kitchy.
  • I know someone with the last name Reyna, too...I guess that would pretty much preclude her from marrying a guy by that name, unless she wanted to be Raina Reyna.  Ew.
  • It's a hispanic name (dh is half) - I know you can't tell from the kids pics!! From what I have learned is that you have to go with what YOU like b/c there will always be others that don't like name choices.

    A ton of people did not like Colten, we went with it anyway b/c we both love it.

  • Also, I'm interested in hearing from people who don't really like it, if you have a reason for it.  I've never known anyone by that name and don't really get a mental image when I think of it, but I'm trying to figure out how it registers with other people...i.e. is this like when someone tells me they're naming their kid Jayleighlynn and I think, "OMG, why can't they see how awful that is??" or is it just not a name that's common enough for people to go gaga over?  I want to make sure I'm not Being That Person!
  • Oh, and I am sure you know already, but just in case you didn't it means queen Smile
  • My honest opinion...I think it sounds made up. But I really stick to liking the  traditional names. 
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  • Think about when they're being mishceivous (sp?) and you have to yell their names. "Keira, Raina!" Too similar imo, and too hard to yell and get right. LOL
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • I like it!  I knew a few girls named Reina in high school.  I think that is how they spelled it. 

    I think I would consider a different spelling other than Raina though.  It looks a little funny to me like that. 

  • The only person I've ever known with the name was an 80 something jewish woman who spelled it Rayna.  I love it and think it's a very pretty name.
  • I said I thought it was just ok, because I can't get the fact that is it Spanish for Queen out of my head.  I know ALL names have "meanings" but this one is a bit too literal for me having taken Spanish.  It is pretty, though, and I would keep that spelling (not a fan of y in names as a rule).
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