My son just turned three two weeks ago and he does not dress himself. DD dressed herself at an early age-like 2yo! I know she was early to do so but I certainly expected ds to be able to do this by now. I actually thought that once he was potty trained and in underwear getting dressed would be easier and therefore, he would do it on his own. DH and I have tried getting him to do each part himself but it's just not working. AND, I must admit that this might be a little of my fault: I usually get to a point that I'm in a hurry and it's just faster for me to do it. So, is/was your ds getting himself dressed by 3yo? TIA
Re: PW2: Moms of 3 year old boys re: dressing themself
H pretty much dresses himself. I hand him the stuff, and usually have to turn it around the right way, but he can put everything on. Socks I start and he finishes and shoes it depends on the shoe.
I just decided to see if he could do it around his 3rd birthday and I was surprised at how well he could get a shirt on and knew to put his legs in the pants. He wasn't quick then and needed help, but I just learned to start earlier if we had somewhere to go
Your kiddo will pick it up!
DS can dress himself but he does sometimes get stubborn and refuse to do it. Plus, he generally prefers to be naked, so that can be a challenge
We will usually tell him it's time to have breakfast and he needs to be dressed to eat. He normally picks out his own clothes, which is a big help, and then gets dressed so he can eat.