I have a 5 yr old boy, an 8 month old girl and I'm pregnant AGAIN! This one was not planned at all and to be honest I cried for a week when I found out. Now that the shock has faded away I am super excited! My husband was super excited from the moment I told him so that really helped. I am only about 8 weeks along and I am really starting to feel pregnant.. sickness and fatigue.. and I also feel as though I am already showing with this pregnancy. I am already tiny and with my first two I didnt start showing until I was near 20 weeks. I only gained 16 pounds with each pregnancy.. I know that is not alot but I tried everything to gain weight and both of my children were full term and very healthy, no problems at all. Is it more common for you to start showing sooner if the pregnancies are close together? Any advice for have an infant already and being pregnant again so soon? Another thing.. and this may be way to personal for some, but I've noticed that sex is more uncomfortable recently and sometimes I will have major pain for a day or so afterwards, and its not rough sex or anything out of the normal. Should I be concerned? I haven't seen my doctor yet but I do have an appt this Friday.
Re: New to this