Only way at the beginning when with DS I didn't know I was pregnant yet, and this time I had a few sips when I was trying not to let on that I was pg. Otherwise, nothing since.
I didn't with Logan. With this pregnancy, I didn't know I was pregnant, so I'm sure I had a beer or two along with a glass of wine or so at a wedding. It was very early on.
I did and my CNM told me to... My BP shot up with DD#1. My midwife hoped it was just stress and not pre-e so she told me to go home, have half a glass of red wine and take a warm bath. She told me that having half a glass to a glass every week or two would be fine. (My BP did go down and everything was fine.) I had half a glass once in a while in the second and third tri with both girls (like maybe once a month).
I had a few drinks when I was pregnant with DD, a glass of wine on DH's birthday, a beer on New Years, a Mint julip on derby day, that kind of thing. DD was born small for gestational age and everyone new to my "case" (doctors and nurses) ask if I drank while pregnant. I would tell them about 5 drinks, 1 at a time over months and they would just laugh and say, "No, you didn't drink." There is no evidence that small amounts of alcohol do any damage. Pretty much everyone my age would be brain damaged if even moderate amounts caused serious problems.
I had a few sips here and there with DS, and have had "an inch" in a glass with this pg - my OB ok'd an occasional glass. It tasted sooo good. Somehow, when pg, even 5-6 sips is enough to satisfy
with #1 I had half a glass at a wedding once, but that was it. This time around I'm much more laid back and I always think I'm going to have a glass of wine tonight, but I never do. I know this far along it's not the end of the world, but I just haven't done it. When I can finally drink, I'm going to want more than a small/half a glass
LOL! at Eclaires. In the world according to MMML, I should be ashamed to be alive. I prefer to think that I just live a little and enjoy my life! This post make me want to go pop open a beer.
Yes, I did, and don't regret it at all. Maybe like 3-4 times over the course of the pregnancy? Once was even on the advice of my OB. I went in to be monitored b/c I was having contractions prior to being full-term, and he basically said go home, have a small glass of wine and it'll stop them.?
I had a couple of sips of beer on a few occasions because it was my HUGE craving and my younger sister told me that she would never forgive me if my child came out with 2 heads.
Re: Did you drink wine ever while pg?
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
Not a drop
Occasionally in the 3rd trimester. Like half glass of red wine with dinner
My mom drank wine everyday throughout her 3 pregnancies. We are all fine, I think
I did the night before I got my BFP. I had no idea I was pg (we weren't trying).
I wouldn't. To me it's not worth the risk. But I'm not a big drinker so it wouldn't be a huge sacrifice for me at all.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Not a drop either time but I tend to be a little paranoid.
with #1 I had half a glass at a wedding once, but that was it. This time around I'm much more laid back and I always think I'm going to have a glass of wine tonight, but I never do. I know this far along it's not the end of the world, but I just haven't done it. When I can finally drink, I'm going to want more than a small/half a glass
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010