Hey Lovey,
First, I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry I am behind on my 30 Days of Passion Project. You were so faithful to post and I feel like I've let you down. I've had a very emotional, busy weekend and am experience some weird pains in my leg so I've been distracted.
Second, would you want to catch up? Or maybe start fresh in December? I'm down for either. I think as of right now we're 3 or 4 behind.
*hugs* it's your call
Re: *** Auki13 ***
Hi! I didn't want to bother you but I was wondering what happened, lol.
I'm so sorry you have had such a hard weekend and that you are having issues with your leg. Do you know what's wrong with it? (((HUGS)))
I don't mind catching up, and have actually been thinking of things to post. What if we did 2 a day until we are caught up?
Thanks for writing me, I do love this whole concept of the Passion Project. It's really helped me thing about positives in my life.
Aw, don't feel bad about now writing me. In fact, if you already know your passions before I post you are more than welcome to start the thread! In the past I've just copied and pasted the "blurb" part and changed the title. You don't have to wait for me!! But I do like the idea of doing 2 a day until we catch up, and I'm going to try to be more on top of it, lol. Accountability, right!?!
I think I have a pinched nerve. It's right in the crease of my leg next to my pubic bone. It woke me up out of a dead sleep, my whole leg was throbbing because of it. It subsides during the day when i'm moving around. Hopefully it goes away sooner rather than later!
I'm glad the 30 Days of Passion has helped you focus on positive things! Maybe we could brain storm and come up with a December them that does the same thing....31 Days of Joy? 31 Days of Hope? More of a challenge.