
Update on our trio

Update dr took me off bed rest last week since cervix not changing at all and at this point if come it would be fine. Had growth scan Friday and GD is working these babies not me so much lol baby A is measuring 4lbs 5oz baby B 4lbs 13oz and baby C 4lbs 3oz so over 13lbs of babies in me. And the set my csection date for Nov 29 which will put me 35 weeks 3 days if don't come on own before then. Hoping they come a little sooner since all seem to be good sizes and I am so uncomfortable. Started to lose mp yesterday so here is hoping. Plus I think better if they start labor rather then dr just taking them. I will repost from MoM to be thread. 
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Re: Update on our trio

  • you're doing great! i delivered at 33w2d, so you're exactly where i was. :)
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  • You are doing great and those are good weights so far. I know you are not comfy but keep thinking of your big healthy babies!! 
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  • great job! yes the end is uncomfortable, just remind yourself that every day u keep them in is less nicu time for them!
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  • Way to bake those babies mommy!
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  • Great job making it so far!
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  • Congrats on making it this far!  I remember how uncomfortable it is, but it'll all be worth it when they're all healthy and can come home with you like mine!  I made it to 35 weeks with almost 15 lbs of baby.   Keep up the good work!
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