Houston Babies

L&D and Jewelry

My fingers are completely swollen and my rings will no longer budge. I also have some (7) bangles on my left wrist (cultural thing) that I've had since I was a kid and are not removeable (they would need to be cut off my wrist). Do you ladies remember what the hospital's policy was on wearing jewelry during labor? I have a bracelet on my other wrist as well as earrings..both which I can take off. But the rings and bangles are a no go. If it helps I'm delivering at Methodist.

Re: L&D and Jewelry

  • I'm not sure on hospital policy but I think you should be fine as long as you don't have a c-section.  They usually don't want any jewelry on a person during surgery. 

    You can probably call L&D and ask them what their policy is.  

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  • I wore earrings and my engagement ring and wedding ring while in labor with DD#1.  They told us not to bring jewelry because we wouldn't be able to wear it if we had a c-section and they're not liable if it goes missing.  I delivered at Methodist too.

    Honestly though, I know multiple people that have worn their jewelry while delivering vaginally and c-section and haven't had issues.  If you can't get it off then leave it on, explain the reasons (ask at your tour if possible) and hope that they don't have to cut it off. 

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  • I wore all my regular jewelry for both vaginal deliveries.  For my emergency c-section they took all my jewelry out.  DH put it in his pocket.
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  • I've had 2 c-sections and a breast reduction and I wear a set of rings that will not come off and it was fine. They asked me about it, but didn't do anything about it.
    image Oh Joy to the World!!
  • I had a necklace, wedding band, and set of earrings on when I went to the hospital in labor. When I went in for my emergency c-section they didn't take my stuff off.
  • They didn't say anything to me about my rings until it became apparent that I had to have an emergency c-section.  When I told them I wasn't going to take them off, they said they would cut them off.  Reason being that if I crashed and they had to use paddles to restart my heart, the metal in the rings would interfere.  Probably depends on whether the staff is dotting their i's and crossing their t's.
  • imageCurtsWife:
    They didn't say anything to me about my rings until it became apparent that I had to have an emergency c-section.  When I told them I wasn't going to take them off, they said they would cut them off.  Reason being that if I crashed and they had to use paddles to restart my heart, the metal in the rings would interfere.  Probably depends on whether the staff is dotting their i's and crossing their t's.

    THank you, I was trying to remember why they had to take all metal off.  It conducts electricity.  

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