
horribly angry

I am on medication and in counseling but I have to get this out...I can't get over the anger I have towards my LO's biological father.  I am so mad at him.  He has never seen Grayson he has never even acted like he cared.  Come to find out a previous relationship he had he tried to kill the girl.  I AM SO GLAD THAT HE IS OUT OF OUR LIVES....but....I am so alone and hurt and I wish I could put Grayson in the bubble so many of you do so that he couldn't get sick.  I have no choice but to take him everywhere with me and have him in daycare because I am a single mom.  I am angry that all this happened to my poor baby. 

 This isn't meant towards anyone but I just needed to get that out.  I just feel like Grayson is at a disadvantage bc I can't give him everything.  I can't protect him as much as I'd want....

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Re: horribly angry

  • imageajordan83:

    I am on medication and in counseling but I have to get this out...I can't get over the anger I have towards my LO's biological father.  I am so mad at him.  He has never seen Grayson he has never even acted like he cared.  Come to find out a previous relationship he had he tried to kill the girl.  I AM SO GLAD THAT HE IS OUT OF OUR LIVES....but....I am so alone and hurt and I wish I could put Grayson in the bubble so many of you do so that he couldn't get sick. 

    Sounds like you are at Step 2 - Anger -  It sucks.  Really sucks that he's a lousy dad and not in your lives anymore.  You seem to really have it together and know that - with his temper [trying to kill someone - OMG!] you are better not having him in your lives.  Be angry!

    But you have this though.  You are going to give Grayson a wonderful life and you'll protect him just fine.  I hope you have some family around that can give you a break.

  • You have every right to be angry - I agree with all the PP and hope that you have a friend or two you can turn to in your area.

    I wouldn't say he's at a disadvantage, though! We all have unique situations that we're trying to make the most of.

    Anyway, sounds like you're doing a great job protecting him.

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