Friday the kids and I were off from school/work. I took them to breakfast and Target while the cleaners were cleaning the house. Post nap we went to Potomac to see a kids performer. L ended up working late so she met us for dinner at a burger place.
Saturday L and the kids started watching the first Harry Potter (she just finished reading it to them.) I took them to their swimming lesson, to the mall to return some things, and to the playground while Leanne went to write. After Carter and I napped, I dropped them off at Parents Night Out at the gym and Land I went to see J. Edgar (really good.)
Sunday L and the kids finished watching Harry Potter. L left to go write and the kids and I finished up their homework and then I took them to the Baltimore Zoo with a Groupon I had. The weather was beautiful and it wasn't crowded at all, but Carter was being a PITA and both kids spent most of the time asking to go home. Sigh. Carter fell asleep en route home. I stopped at Pei Wei to get take out with a BOGO coupon. Went home and made chicken stroganoff for tonights dinner, cleaned, did laundry, and didn't have the best parenting night thanks to me being tired and the kids moods. Got them to bed early and then hunted for holiday card options.
Aw, croup, poor kid! Hope he has a quick recovery. I had a deep cough when I was a kid and older people were forever asking me if I had croup.
I was off on Friday and I went to the mall in the morning and bought jeans. I'm pretty sure they are the exact same pair I already own, just not worn out. I don't know why I even bother trying on anything but Calvin Klein jeans - they're the only ones that look good on me, and they last forever. They cost about half what I had budgeted (they weren't marked as on sale at all, so that was a great surprise), so I went to DSW and found new work shoes. A friend met me for lunch and then we went to a coffee shop to read. I started Conversationally Speaking, a book about effective conversation skills, because I have always feared/hated meeting new people and making conversation. It's great so far.
Saturday it was gorgeous out, so I took Lucky for a long walk around the neighborhood. We found some side streets I'd never been down, which is kind of a miracle after seven years of walking around there. I cleaned out some drawers and dropped off clothes and shoes at the donation bin, picked up a few essentials at the grocery store, and picked up the dry cleaning. I picked Jen up at the airport in the late afternoon and we had a relaxed night at home and watched Rage of the Yeti, since I am kind of addicted to the SyFy creature B-movies. I have to say this was one of the better ones!
On Sunday we had brunch with friends at a place I've been wanting to try for years. House-made donuts and bagels, house-cured lox, etc. It was awesome. Jen was ready for a nap afterward so she did that while I worked on job applications, and in the evening I did a huge grocery shop. Fattening her up is a hard job!
Friday: Got married (again). Went to a fabulous lunch afterwards with the kiddos, the pastor and his husband, and our babysitter. Lounged at home in the PM.
Saturday: Music class in the AM, short naps in the car on the way home. Feeble (failed) attempt to get the kiddos down for a real nap later in the day, resulting in a grouchy S, so off to the playground for the kids and Mommy while Mama stayed home and had a nap herself. Quick dinner and an early bedtime.
Sunday: Went to church (by myself) then to Costco (still by myself) while S hung out with the kids at home. I stocked up on food and other things we needed (not frivolous stuff) at Costco, but I nearly fell over when I saw the total. S still doesn't know how much it all was... she stopped guessing when she got to "over $300" (a wise choice). Dinner (chicken and "boogies," a.k.a. green beans), baths, bed.
married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
Friday: We took the girls to breakfast, movie in the afternoon, A's grandma picked her up early for some quality time. J went to work and Iz and I had a quiet night at home.
Saturday: We lazed around most of the morning, went to the mall to walk around, went to J's parents house and then to Costco. We found gifts for all the kids but have to go back to get them next week. Home to watch DVR'd shows and bed.
Sunday: I was online looking for Cricut cartridges and figuring out the Design Studio. We went to Michael's to see the cartridges in person (why are they so expensive now???). We met J's parents at Target and got Christmas gift ideas, then went to eat Hawaiian food. We stopped at Joann's to find Thansgiving fabric to make skirts for the girls, it was already put away and the Christmas stuff was out, boo. We went home and J took a nap while I cleaned. J went to work and I made dinner, then Iz watched a movie while I Pinterested. A came home and finished watching the movie with Iz while I mended some mittens. The girls went to bed and I read for awhile before knocking out.
Friday I took Gwen to the pedi in the morning for a follow up for her
ear, then dropped her at daycare, dropped some clothes off with Trav's
cousin who just had a baby, and headed home to do some work. Trav headed
to a wedding in the afternoon (a 2:00 wedding, on a friday, with the
reception not happening until 5:30...), so I left work early (well, left
home since I was working from home) to pick Gwen up.
Saturday I
got my hairs cut, and Gwen & I visited with my parents and Gram. It
was fun, and its always nice to see how my Gram gets a little lift from
seeing Gwen.
Sunday was relaxing until the "great cous-cous
debacle." We all slept until 8am (!!), then relaxed and played for a
while, went grocery shopping, then came home for lunch. Unfortunately I
then spent 1.5 hours fight Gwen to get her to go down for a nap.. ugh.
We were heading to a friend's place for an early dinner thing with three
other couples, and I had a few things I needed/wanted to do during nap,
which pretty much all got thrown out the window. I couldn't find the
cous-cous I needed to make the dish I was bringing, ended up finding
something that worked, but had to throw out half of it in the end (which
pissed off my scroogie husband to no end), and we didn't leave until 15
minutes after we were supposed to be there.
Thankfully we had a great time once we were there, and the night ended nicely. Freakin ridiculous though.
Maybe I don't have a heightened sense of smell, but I've never smelled any vagina on my pants. -- TSD
Friday night we did dinner then I put the girls to bed before going out to meet my brother for coffee.
Saturday morning we met up with friends and saw Puss in Boots. We had 5 kids 5 and under and I think we did pretty well making it through 80% of the movie. Overall the kids didnt love it - I'm sure Sprout would have happily watched it all w/o the influence of the others, but overall i think it was geared to an older audience. After we let the kids play in a McDonalds playscape while the mommies chatted. It was a very nice morning. Went home and put the kids to bed - but only Daisy slept (is RB seriously growing out of naps??). So we bundled up and went on a walk/leaf hunt. Stopped at the playscape. Home for some more playtime and baking cookies. While I was cooking dinner Daisy decided to take her first few steps!! Then dinner, baths, and bed.
Sunday we went to Church then home for rest (this time RB did sleep...but only for 45 minutes and it took an hour to get her down ::sigh::). I ran some errands and went grocery shopping. Then we met my parents and brother back at church for a pasta dinner (the kids did great and chowed down!). After dinner I sent Andrea home with the kids while I took a family member to his AA meeting.
Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend! Mine was pretty busy too.
Friday night we babysat our 8 month old niece. She's soooo adorable. However she does not have any sort of schedule (thanks her mama aka my sister) so we had to guess pretty much everything, trying this and that till she finally took something or stopped fussing. She had a nap at 7:30pm, dinner at 8:30pm and stayed up being a cranky pants till 12am when my sister finally came to get her. She should be on some sort of schedule right? I'm not a mommy yet but I'm thinking meal times and sleeping times should be around the same time each day by now.
Saturday we went for a couples massage then had brunch together. It was really nice Then we did some errands and had dinner with my Nana who is a snow bird and goes to Florida every year for the winter. Only thing is she usually comes home for Christmas. BUT this year she is staying down there It will be the first Christmas in my LIFE not seeing her I cried when we said goodbye.
On Sunday we put up our Christmas trees! We have one in our living room that has purple and silver decorations and we have one in our upstairs loft with blue and sliver decorations. We love Christmas!
Have a good week everyone!
Me(30) & DW(33) Married August 19, 2011. Mommies to a beautiful pooch. TTC#1~IUI#1-Nov 30/12=BFN IUI#2-Dec 30/12
A friend came in from out of town Sat. and some other friends through a "welcome party" for Pumpkin on Sun. I think it was a lot of activity, and Pumpkin didn't do well. Either that, or he's worried about his visit today. Oh, wait, I'm projecting.
I think he was overstimulated and my boy who had been eating every 2-2 1/2 hours was up most of the night. Crying, upset. Ugh. No one slept much at all.
Dude already had his days & nights confused and yesterday was a lot.
Friday- We both worked then took my momma to BINGO for her birthday. I made her a sugar-free chocolate frosted cake with peanut butter filling (she is diabetic). I was excited because even my picky granny loved it.
Saturday- We attacked our apartment and cleaned our fool heads off. It wasnt dirty just a little cluttered and needed a good deep clean. Then we hosted game night for three other couples. All of which I love except for my friend's boyfriend. He is a D-O-U-C-H-E. They have been together for 15 mo and we all hate him. He is selfish and does not treat her well. Otherwise game night was a great success and they ate up all the yummy and healthy treats I made.
Sunday- Lazy football day for me and I wasnt feeling well. DW did a lot of work on her thesis. The Ravens really did a horrible job this week.
Today- We both took off half day for RE appt. One 15.5 mm folly and two 10 almost 11. We go back tomorrow to see whats up.
We had three BFN in the Fall of 2011. It is back on to some baby making come June. Swim little fellas, SWIM!!!!
Re: How was your weekend?
Saturday L and the kids started watching the first Harry Potter (she just finished reading it to them.) I took them to their swimming lesson, to the mall to return some things, and to the playground while Leanne went to write. After Carter and I napped, I dropped them off at Parents Night Out at the gym and Land I went to see J. Edgar (really good.)
Sunday L and the kids finished watching Harry Potter. L left to go write and the kids and I finished up their homework and then I took them to the Baltimore Zoo with a Groupon I had. The weather was beautiful and it wasn't crowded at all, but Carter was being a PITA and both kids spent most of the time asking to go home. Sigh. Carter fell asleep en route home. I stopped at Pei Wei to get take out with a BOGO coupon. Went home and made chicken stroganoff for tonights dinner, cleaned, did laundry, and didn't have the best parenting night thanks to me being tired and the kids moods. Got them to bed early and then hunted for holiday card options.
Aw, croup, poor kid! Hope he has a quick recovery. I had a deep cough when I was a kid and older people were forever asking me if I had croup.
I was off on Friday and I went to the mall in the morning and bought jeans. I'm pretty sure they are the exact same pair I already own, just not worn out. I don't know why I even bother trying on anything but Calvin Klein jeans - they're the only ones that look good on me, and they last forever. They cost about half what I had budgeted (they weren't marked as on sale at all, so that was a great surprise), so I went to DSW and found new work shoes. A friend met me for lunch and then we went to a coffee shop to read. I started Conversationally Speaking, a book about effective conversation skills, because I have always feared/hated meeting new people and making conversation. It's great so far.
Saturday it was gorgeous out, so I took Lucky for a long walk around the neighborhood. We found some side streets I'd never been down, which is kind of a miracle after seven years of walking around there. I cleaned out some drawers and dropped off clothes and shoes at the donation bin, picked up a few essentials at the grocery store, and picked up the dry cleaning. I picked Jen up at the airport in the late afternoon and we had a relaxed night at home and watched Rage of the Yeti, since I am kind of addicted to the SyFy creature B-movies. I have to say this was one of the better ones!
On Sunday we had brunch with friends at a place I've been wanting to try for years. House-made donuts and bagels, house-cured lox, etc. It was awesome. Jen was ready for a nap afterward so she did that while I worked on job applications, and in the evening I did a huge grocery shop. Fattening her up is a hard job!
Our weekend was pretty good.
Friday: Got married (again).
Went to a fabulous lunch afterwards with the kiddos, the pastor and his husband, and our babysitter. Lounged at home in the PM.
Saturday: Music class in the AM, short naps in the car on the way home. Feeble (failed) attempt to get the kiddos down for a real nap later in the day, resulting in a grouchy S, so off to the playground for the kids and Mommy while Mama stayed home and had a nap herself. Quick dinner and an early bedtime.
Sunday: Went to church (by myself) then to Costco (still by myself) while S hung out with the kids at home. I stocked up on food and other things we needed (not frivolous stuff) at Costco, but I nearly fell over when I saw the total. S still doesn't know how much it all was... she stopped guessing when she got to "over $300" (a wise choice).
Dinner (chicken and "boogies," a.k.a. green beans), baths, bed.
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
Friday: We took the girls to breakfast, movie in the afternoon, A's grandma picked her up early for some quality time. J went to work and Iz and I had a quiet night at home.
Saturday: We lazed around most of the morning, went to the mall to walk around, went to J's parents house and then to Costco. We found gifts for all the kids but have to go back to get them next week. Home to watch DVR'd shows and bed.
Sunday: I was online looking for Cricut cartridges and figuring out the Design Studio. We went to Michael's to see the cartridges in person (why are they so expensive now???). We met J's parents at Target and got Christmas gift ideas, then went to eat Hawaiian food. We stopped at Joann's to find Thansgiving fabric to make skirts for the girls, it was already put away and the Christmas stuff was out, boo. We went home and J took a nap while I cleaned. J went to work and I made dinner, then Iz watched a movie while I Pinterested. A came home and finished watching the movie with Iz while I mended some mittens. The girls went to bed and I read for awhile before knocking out.
Two Mommies Healing Hearts
Friday I took Gwen to the pedi in the morning for a follow up for her ear, then dropped her at daycare, dropped some clothes off with Trav's cousin who just had a baby, and headed home to do some work. Trav headed to a wedding in the afternoon (a 2:00 wedding, on a friday, with the reception not happening until 5:30...), so I left work early (well, left home since I was working from home) to pick Gwen up.
Saturday I got my hairs cut, and Gwen & I visited with my parents and Gram. It was fun, and its always nice to see how my Gram gets a little lift from seeing Gwen.
Sunday was relaxing until the "great cous-cous debacle." We all slept until 8am (!!), then relaxed and played for a while, went grocery shopping, then came home for lunch. Unfortunately I then spent 1.5 hours fight Gwen to get her to go down for a nap.. ugh. We were heading to a friend's place for an early dinner thing with three other couples, and I had a few things I needed/wanted to do during nap, which pretty much all got thrown out the window. I couldn't find the cous-cous I needed to make the dish I was bringing, ended up finding something that worked, but had to throw out half of it in the end (which pissed off my scroogie husband to no end), and we didn't leave until 15 minutes after we were supposed to be there.
Thankfully we had a great time once we were there, and the night ended nicely. Freakin ridiculous though.Maybe I don't have a heightened sense of smell, but I've never smelled any vagina on my pants. -- TSD
Bloggity Blog - You know you want to...
it was an okay weekend.
Friday night we did dinner then I put the girls to bed before going out to meet my brother for coffee.
Saturday morning we met up with friends and saw Puss in Boots. We had 5 kids 5 and under and I think we did pretty well making it through 80% of the movie. Overall the kids didnt love it - I'm sure Sprout would have happily watched it all w/o the influence of the others, but overall i think it was geared to an older audience. After we let the kids play in a McDonalds playscape while the mommies chatted. It was a very nice morning. Went home and put the kids to bed - but only Daisy slept (is RB seriously growing out of naps??). So we bundled up and went on a walk/leaf hunt. Stopped at the playscape. Home for some more playtime and baking cookies. While I was cooking dinner Daisy decided to take her first few steps!! Then dinner, baths, and bed.
Sunday we went to Church then home for rest (this time RB did sleep...but only for 45 minutes and it took an hour to get her down ::sigh::). I ran some errands and went grocery shopping. Then we met my parents and brother back at church for a pasta dinner (the kids did great and chowed down!). After dinner I sent Andrea home with the kids while I took a family member to his AA meeting.
Blogs: Our Growing Family - CT Working Moms

Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend! Mine was pretty busy too.
Friday night we babysat our 8 month old niece. She's soooo adorable. However she does not have any sort of schedule (thanks her mama aka my sister) so we had to guess pretty much everything, trying this and that till she finally took something or stopped fussing. She had a nap at 7:30pm, dinner at 8:30pm and stayed up being a cranky pants till 12am when my sister finally came to get her. She should be on some sort of schedule right? I'm not a mommy yet but I'm thinking meal times and sleeping times should be around the same time each day by now.
Saturday we went for a couples massage then had brunch together. It was really nice
Then we did some errands and had dinner with my Nana who is a snow bird and goes to Florida every year for the winter. Only thing is she usually comes home for Christmas. BUT this year she is staying down there
It will be the first Christmas in my LIFE not seeing her
I cried when we said goodbye.
On Sunday we put up our Christmas trees! We have one in our living room that has purple and silver decorations and we have one in our upstairs loft with blue and sliver decorations. We love Christmas!
Have a good week everyone!
What did we do? A lot.
What didn't we do? Sleep.
A friend came in from out of town Sat. and some other friends through a "welcome party" for Pumpkin on Sun. I think it was a lot of activity, and Pumpkin didn't do well. Either that, or he's worried about his visit today. Oh, wait, I'm projecting.
I think he was overstimulated and my boy who had been eating every 2-2 1/2 hours was up most of the night. Crying, upset. Ugh. No one slept much at all.
Dude already had his days & nights confused and yesterday was a lot.
Friday- We both worked then took my momma to BINGO for her birthday. I made her a sugar-free chocolate frosted cake with peanut butter filling (she is diabetic). I was excited because even my picky granny loved it.
Saturday- We attacked our apartment and cleaned our fool heads off. It wasnt dirty just a little cluttered and needed a good deep clean. Then we hosted game night for three other couples. All of which I love except for my friend's boyfriend. He is a D-O-U-C-H-E. They have been together for 15 mo and we all hate him. He is selfish and does not treat her well. Otherwise game night was a great success and they ate up all the yummy and healthy treats I made.
Sunday- Lazy football day for me and I wasnt feeling well. DW did a lot of work on her thesis. The Ravens really did a horrible job this week.
Today- We both took off half day for RE appt. One 15.5 mm folly and two 10 almost 11. We go back tomorrow to see whats up.