If you spell it Eva, you'll have people pronouncing it "ee-va"... since that's the way it's supposed to be pronounced (https://www.behindthename.com/name/eva).
If you want "EV-a", then you'd have to use it as a nickname for Evelyn or Eveleen or some variation (Here's the name family tree for ideas: https://www.behindthename.com/name/evelyn/tree).
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
There is always Ava. Which when I see how you want it pronounced is what it's supposed be spelt like.
Do you know how phonics works?
OP, I taught a little girl who is named Eva and pronounced with a short e sound. They just told us the first day of class and it wasn't a problem after that. Very few people will pronounce her name right the first time, but when she tells them how to say it they'll know.
If you spell it Eva, you'll have people pronouncing it "ee-va"... since that's the way it's supposed to be pronounced (https://www.behindthename.com/name/eva).
Or, you know, ay-vuh, the other way it's supposed to be pronounced.
If you want "EV-a", then you'd have to use it as a nickname for Evelyn or Eveleen or some variation (Here's the name family tree for ideas: https://www.behindthename.com/name/evelyn/tree).
OP, I agree with this. "eh-vuh," as far as I know, isn't a name that exists with sure spelling.
If you spell it Eva, you'll have people pronouncing it "ee-va"... since that's the way it's supposed to be pronounced (https://www.behindthename.com/name/eva).
Or, you know, ay-vuh, the other way it's supposed to be pronounced.
If you're in the Netherlands, I guess...
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
The way you are spelling and pronouncing it is exactly how it is supposed to be spelled and pronounced in Spanish. I think if you feel strongly about this name, you could go with it and just correct people, as long as you don't mind correcting people. Keep in mind, though, that at some point, your child may not care about correcting people and may start answering to any pronunciation of her name (as I do with Anna, which my parents meant for people to pronounce like Ana and believe me, even if they had spelled it Ana, people would have still pronounced it the American way for the most part).
Re: How would you spell...
If you spell it Eva, you'll have people pronouncing it "ee-va"... since that's the way it's supposed to be pronounced (https://www.behindthename.com/name/eva).
If you want "EV-a", then you'd have to use it as a nickname for Evelyn or Eveleen or some variation (Here's the name family tree for ideas: https://www.behindthename.com/name/evelyn/tree).
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
My friends have an Eva, and it's pronounced Ev-ah, rather than Eve-ah. If that makes sense. They have people who pronounce it wrong constantly.
Do you know how phonics works?
OP, I taught a little girl who is named Eva and pronounced with a short e sound. They just told us the first day of class and it wasn't a problem after that. Very few people will pronounce her name right the first time, but when she tells them how to say it they'll know.
"eh" -sounds like "hey" right?
I'd spell it Ava. (A = long A sound in my head and if I saw Eva I would think ee-va)
Or, you know, ay-vuh, the other way it's supposed to be pronounced.
OP, I agree with this. "eh-vuh," as far as I know, isn't a name that exists with sure spelling.
If you're in the Netherlands, I guess...
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
The way you are spelling and pronouncing it is exactly how it is supposed to be spelled and pronounced in Spanish. I think if you feel strongly about this name, you could go with it and just correct people, as long as you don't mind correcting people. Keep in mind, though, that at some point, your child may not care about correcting people and may start answering to any pronunciation of her name (as I do with Anna, which my parents meant for people to pronounce like Ana and believe me, even if they had spelled it Ana, people would have still pronounced it the American way for the most part).
Ewa is the Polish spelling for Eh-Va
Kind of luck if you'd say "4-EVA!"
The name Eva is definitely pronounced ee-va and people would constantly think that is what your daughter's name was.
Ava doesn't work either because it is pronounced ay-va.
I agree with PPs about Eh-va not being an actual pronunciation of any existing name.