Alright... pockets do not seem to be working for over night anymore. Even when they are stuffed so much she can barely close her legs. What fitters/covers would you suggest? I tried fitteds maybe twice a while ago during the day but I wasn't crazy about them. Round 2 here we go! Also... We live in FL, our house isn't hot but I feel like wool or fleece covers would be super hot and the wool would be itchy. Thoughts? Suggestions? She has turned into a heavy wetter at night recently!
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Re: Night time help!
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They are just over saturated. They weigh so much and leak! I will probably try some different inserts before switching but will probably order some fitteds to try as well
Some absorbant fitteds: BubuBebe, Twinkie Tush (hard to get, though), Monkey Snuggles overnight, Sustainablebabyish (Sbish)
For Covers, like a PP mentioned, you can get upcycled wool on etsy for a reasonable price, I have a soaker from myecobaby on etsy and it's really cute. It is a cashmere one, so we dont use it overnight, but it works for daytime.
Great! thank you!