
34 weeker-weight at 2 months?

My 34 weeker was born at 5lbs, 12 oz.  At his 2 month ped. appointment, he weighed 8lbs, 13 oz.  The doctor noted he was on the low end, but did not seem overly concerned and did not recommend supplementing (I'm still BF'ing) .  If you had a 34 weeker, what did they weigh at birth and then at 2 months?

Re: 34 weeker-weight at 2 months?

  • my 33weeker was 5lb 12oz at birth and 9lb 4oz at 2 months (Mondays appt). yesterday she was 9lb 10oz.
  • Gunnar was only 6lbs 6oz at 2 months and 8lbs and 12lbs at 4 months.  On the regular growth chart he is below the 3rd percentile, however on the preemie growth chart he is at the 50th percentile, so you may want to find out what scale they are referring to.  My peds only uses the preemie for my son until age 3.
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  • My son was born at 4 lbs 6 ounces, and was 10 pounds 3 ounces at 2 months.
  • My 33w4d was born at 4 pounds, 10 ounces and weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at his 2-month appointment.
  • DS was a 33 weeker. He weighed 4lb 9oz at birth and was 10lb at his 2 month appointment. He was also EBF.
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  • My 34-weeker weighed 5 lbs 4 oz. at birth. At one month she was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and at 2 months she was 8 lbs. 12 oz. Her pedi has never been concerned about her weight except for the first couple weeks when she wasn't gaining well - we added some powdered formula to her EBM to up the calories until she was breastfeeding really well. Today, at almost 14 months, she weighs 21 lbs. - she's just a little peanut, but totally healthy!
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