I've been trying to find the detergent that works for us since we started cloth diapering our son 10 months ago. We have a he front loader, we've used ECOS (hated it), Tide powder (left nasty stinky diapers), Rockin Green (was okay, but after a while the diapers started smelling). I was on Jillian's Drawers the other day and realized they had sample packs of Charlie's for $2.00, I had been wanting to try it but didn't want to buy a whole big tub of it to find out it didn't work for us. Our diapers have had barnyard smell for the past week. I had stripped, used bleach on the inserts, did a soak in rockin' green, rinsed the heck of of them and nothing worked. I used the Charlies this morning, before I did a rinse on the diapers (after the wash cycle) I smelled the diapers. None of them smelled like anything! I am so excited. I found our detergent.
Anyone else have that Ahhhh moment with their detergent?
Re: Finally found it!