Seriously--DS was about 14 months. He still wakes up a lot around 3 a.m. DD is 13 months old and she just started STTN, but she has nights where she wakes up still. Sigh.
Close to 2. And I guess maybe he still doesn't b/c he comes in our bed now halfway through the night (up until recently we coslept full time).
Most of my friends who do like me (no sleep training.. no forced separate sleeping) have the same experience. somewhere between 2 and 3 is the norm for most of us (not all).
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DD#1- maybe around 11mos w/prolonged CIO (talked about getting flamed!!). This kid is stubborn & has staying power which now shows in her not frequent but epic tantrums that can last well over an hour...
DD#1 did at 13 weeks consistently (and off and on before that). By 6 weeks, she was just getting up once from 10pm to 8am (around 4am). DD#2 still doesn't consistently. Well, she has for the last week or two, but we had to move her into the guest bedroom and do CIO for the middle of the night again. (This is the third time we've done it and she does great until we move her back into her room that she shares with DD#1 and she goes back to getting up...or maybe we just get her too quickly.)
Re: when did your dc sttn??
5 months for DD
10 months for DS?
Ethan - 11 mos.
J - still wakes up 3-4 times each night, he's 6 mos. old
We did CIO with DD at 9 months old and she's slept through the night ever since.
DS is 7 months old and still doesn't sttn.
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
Close to 2. And I guess maybe he still doesn't b/c he comes in our bed now halfway through the night (up until recently we coslept full time).
Most of my friends who do like me (no sleep training.. no forced separate sleeping) have the same experience. somewhere between 2 and 3 is the norm for most of us (not all).
DD#1- maybe around 11mos w/prolonged CIO (talked about getting flamed!!). This kid is stubborn & has staying power which now shows in her not frequent but epic tantrums that can last well over an hour...
DD#2- about 10mos- no CIO needed.
DD#1 around 9 months. It was after I was out for the summer and didn't need to feed her during the night.
DD#2 will wake up a few times during the night still (3 months)