November 2011 Moms

38 weeks - baby's dropped - 50% effaced - 1 cm dilated?

Hello Ladies.  I'm seeking your input, of course LO is the only one who really knows when he's ready, but I feel like I'm getting close.  My doc felt his head last week and said my cervix was soft.  Today she said he's dropped even more, 50% effaced, and only 1 cm dilated.  My due date is Thanksgiving Day, but she thinks it may be within the next week.

Do any of you have any current or past experiences to share?  I know each of our bodies are different.  This is my second birth, but my oldest son is a teenager so it's been awhile!  My son and husband REALLY want me to have him tomorrow, 11.11.11. Haha  I'm ready! 

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Re: 38 weeks - baby's dropped - 50% effaced - 1 cm dilated?

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    Who knows! I'm a FTM, and at 36w 3d I was nearly 100% and 1 cm and I'm still preggo...due the day after Thanksgiving. At this point, I've decided to not get my hopes up, I would hate to be disappointed! So, I'm just expecting to go to my due date or longer. GL though, maybe you'll get lucky! I, however, do NOT want to have my baby today. The hospitals are going to be soooo crowded with the onslaught of moms that want this 'designer' birthday so they've scheduled their c-sections, inductions, etc for today! 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Me: 37 DH: 38 
    BFP #1 3/17/11 - DS born 12/4/11
    TFAS Dec 2013
    BFP #2 - 3/23/14 - CP 3/26/14
    BFP #3 - 8/20/14 - Natural Miscarriage 9/22/14
    BFP #4 - 1/28/15 - DS2 born 10/13/15
    Surprise BFP# 5 - 9/2/16 - Due 5/13/17

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    I am a FTM too, I am 3cm and 90% effaced and only 37weeks 5days and baby is sitting very low.  LO is coming when LO wants to come....I would love to meet my baby now but I have to be patient I guess
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    Even the docs don't really know when baby will come! There is no rhyme or reason. I am also 38 weeks, baby dropped like a MONTH ago! I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated, too. And I still feel like I have two more weeks of bring pregnant to go. But again, it could be any day! I guess my only advice is to hang in there, don't get too anxious about it! You know for sure that within 3 weeks at most you will be holidng your baby!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Who knows! I'm a FTM, and at 36w 3d I was nearly 100% and 1 cm and I'm still preggo...due the day after Thanksgiving. At this point, I've decided to not get my hopes up, I would hate to be disappointed! So, I'm just expecting to go to my due date or longer. GL though, maybe you'll get lucky! I, however, do NOT want to have my baby today. The hospitals are going to be soooo crowded with the onslaught of moms that want this 'designer' birthday so they've scheduled their c-sections, inductions, etc for today! 

    Ooooh, good point!  I didn't even think of that!

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    I am one day overdue and yesterday at my appt. I was 0cm dilated and 50% effaced and dr. said that baby was higher up than she was last week!!  So anything can happen.  I am scheduled to be induced Tues. night
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    I've been 1cm dilated and 80% effaced for weeks now. I was very disappointed to hear that yesterday at my appointment, but my MW put it in perspective for me: Any progress at all before labor is just a bonus. Our bodies are designed to go from zero to baby pretty darn quickly. I'm currently overdue with an induction scheduled for the 18th if LO doesn't come of her own accord before then.
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    Who knows! I'm a FTM, and at 36w 3d I was nearly 100% and 1 cm and I'm still preggo...due the day after Thanksgiving. At this point, I've decided to not get my hopes up, I would hate to be disappointed! So, I'm just expecting to go to my due date or longer. GL though, maybe you'll get lucky! I, however, do NOT want to have my baby today. The hospitals are going to be soooo crowded with the onslaught of moms that want this 'designer' birthday so they've scheduled their c-sections, inductions, etc for today! 

    Thanks....good point. :) GL to you! 

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    Even the docs don't really know when baby will come! There is no rhyme or reason. I am also 38 weeks, baby dropped like a MONTH ago! I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated, too. And I still feel like I have two more weeks of bring pregnant to go. But again, it could be any day! I guess my only advice is to hang in there, don't get too anxious about it! You know for sure that within 3 weeks at most you will be holidng your baby!

    I can relate.  I feel like I could go into labor at anytime though...he's just so low, I'm in overall good health/shape, but can't stand or walk for too long...the pelvic pain and round ligament pain are too much.  I've been doing prenatal yoga.  Yoga ball may help us too! GL to you......thanks for sharing. 

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