Sienna Ruby Madrid (first name, middle name, last name)?
Yes, I know Sienna is a reddish-brown color, and the #1 minivan in America right now, and an old Italian city. I also know that Ruby is associated with the color red, so it's like putting 2 colors together (I prefer to look at Ruby as a gemstone rather than a color), and 2 city last names; I just figured I would point all this stuff out before others do.
Aside from all of that though, what do you think of the name? I really like Ruby and DH really likes Sienna, and at 37 weeks pregnant, this is the name we're at. Thoughts??!
We have also thought of Cadence (I know most hate it) and Sofia as first names.
Also, DD is Jada Grace. Ready, set, GO!
Re: Last post caused confusion...WDYT...
I think it's really cute!
This. Not sure I like Sienna Madrid. I like the name Sienna though.
**Good luck to gatorwife,MissIntentional&corinne2010! Congrats to Piper2009!
Or Ruby Cadence Madrid?
If your hubby loves Sienna, it's worth the double cities to use it as a middle name and compromise, but it is super intense for firstname lastname.
I agree with this, too.
And anything's better than Cadence.
It sounds like you guys really want to call your daughter "Sienna", so maybe go for it. But again, remember she will be "Sienna Madrid" most of the time. It's a little bit like, "Los Angeles, California".
Proud mother of two breech babies:)
This. I love Ruby.
This.. also, I just like Ruby better than Sienna
This.. also, I just like Ruby better than Sienna
I like Ruby much better than Sienna (in general and for you).
I think the sibset Ruby and Jada is a little cutesy (since Jada is so close to Jade). But it's not terrible and Ruby is an adorable name.
I hadn't even thought of this, and now I don't know if I like that. Dang it!