Austin Babies

Update on niece UPDATED

Her pupils are dilating like they should. She tries to open her eyes when you say her name and she's making sucking motions like she has a paci. They have her on ice packs to keep her body temperature low to prevent brain damage. I guess they didn't yet do a scan for brain activity but it seems like there is some. Thanks for the t&p..please keep it coming!

New update:  SIL just talked to the doctor and they don't seem optimistic. They said her brain is going to continue to swell and most kids without oxygen for this length of time end up brain dead. BIL and SIL were met by CPS when they came out of hearing that news. :(


Re: Update on niece UPDATED

  • Ugh, poor baby. I just ready your other post. I'm glad that there are some good signs. How are your SIL and BIL holding up? I can't even imagine how they must be feeling right now.
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  • Hoping for continued good news today!
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  • I'll be praying for her.  How scary.
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  • Thanks y'all. They seem pretty numb right now. They haven't slept at all.
  • Praying for you and your family.
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  • How scary (just read the other post.)  Lots of prayers for them.
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    **hugs, prayers and hope** for your family.

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  • so scary, please let her be ok! you and your family and this little girl are in my thoughts.
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  • Oh my goodness. I just read your other post.  I hope there is more improvement to come.  Sending good thoughts and prayers her way...

  • Sending good thoughts and hoping that these are signs of good things to come!
  • I hope she continues to improve--this sounds very promising.
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  • Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this.  Tons of T&P to your family.
  • Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear this. How awful!
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  • Oh my goodness.  I am so terribly sorry for your family.  I can't even imagine what they are going through.  I hope they are able to get a simple and quick resolution with CPS.  It's just so much to deal with at one time.
  • I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the pain they are going through.
  • I'm so sorry - I'll be thinking of them.
  • oh gosh, lots of good thoughts and vibes their way. I can not even imagine going through any of that :(


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  • I can't even imagine the pain they're in right now. A great reminder that even a few seconds, even with an older sibling in the tub anything can happen. Continued thoughts a prayers.
  • Crying I've just been so heartbroken over this all morning. They are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • OH my gosh, what a nightmare for you all! I'm so sorry this has happened. Lots of prayers for your family!!
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  • I am so sad to hear the latest update. How awful.
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  • That's awful! Praying for a miracle!
  • I'm so sad to hear your update!  Continued T&P sent their way. How absolutely heartbreaking!! :(
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh I'm so sorry to hear this... how very sad for everyone. Lots of hug, thoughts & prayers for your family. Crying
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  • omg, I'm just catching up - how horrible. And your update - it just breaks my heart.  continued thoughts and prayers for your family. 
  • Oh no. My heart breaks for that family.  Crying  Continued T&Ps
  • I pray that things turn around and you start getting good news. I'm so sorry your family is going through this. It just makes me sick to my stomach to think this could happen to any sweet baby. Thank you for updating us.
  • imagebobcatsteph:

    Her pupils are dilating like they should. She tries to open her eyes when you say her name and she's making sucking motions like she has a paci. They have her on ice packs to keep her body temperature low to prevent brain damage. I guess they didn't yet do a scan for brain activity but it seems like there is some. Thanks for the t&p..please keep it coming!

    New update:  SIL just talked to the doctor and they don't seem optimistic. They said her brain is going to continue to swell and most kids without oxygen for this length of time end up brain dead. BIL and SIL were met by CPS when they came out of hearing that news. :(

    Oh your poor family! I am soo incredibly sorry this is happening. I will have your sweet niece in my thoughts and prayers. 

  • image2bmrslove:
    I pray that things turn around and you start getting good news. I'm so sorry your family is going through this. It just makes me sick to my stomach to think this could happen to any sweet baby. Thank you for updating us.

    I was going to say the exact same thing.  I can not imagine what you're all going through.  Continued thoughts and prayers for your family. 

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  • Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear the update. I hope that CPS will be sensitive and that that piece can get resolved quickly. How awful. 


    How is te older child doing? 

  • I am so. so sorry that they are going through this.  I will continue to pray for your niece.  And I hope that the CPS meeting was short - I can't imagine having to deal with that on top of everything else that's going on.  :(
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  • OMG, Steph, that's horrifying.  I'm so sorry.  I'll send up some good thoughts for her and hope against hope that all is better than they think.  :(
  • i'm so so sorry. lots of good thoughts that things will turn around and get better. :(
  • imageSareBear30:

    Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear the update. I hope that CPS will be sensitive and that that piece can get resolved quickly. How awful. 


    How is te older child doing? 

     He's fine..having fun playing with Caroline. They don't see each other very often. He was also questioned by CPS and he told them he didn't eat at home, which isn't true. 

  • Lots of praters for your BIL, SIL and their sweet baby (and for you guys, too!)

    We had a good family friend who was in a car accident and his family was told that he had a 10% chance of coming out of the coma... that he had no functional brain activity.  2 weeks later he came out of the coma talking and alert with aparent full brain function.  Now 5 months later he is walking and doing wonderfully. 

    So, with that said, don't lose hope!  The doctors are certainly not always right!

    I hate that CPS is there talking to them - I am sure that is making this VERY difficult situation much more difficult :( 

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  • Ditto everyone else! I am praying for that little girl and the family!

    Please keep us updated.



  • I am so sorry:( you and your family need a break, 2011 has not been kind to you. 
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  • Oh I am so, so sorry to hear that. Your poor BIL and SIL.  Huge hugs and prayers for you guys.  
  • Prayers for your niece and entire family.
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