hello cuties -
if you are interested in participating in the Holiday Exchange please do the following
send me an email to theworms1022@gmail.com
in subject please write "holiday exchange" and in the body of the email please include your real name, nest name and the email you would like to receive invite at (ideally whatever email you have linked to elfster if you have an exisiting account)
i will be accepting emails until 11/21 (and will repost this several times in the coming weeks) and will send elfster invite email out on 11/22. in order to participate you must accept the invite from elfster by 11/29 and then draw will take place on 11/30.
Holiday Exhange Info
- the exchange is open to ladies who participate on the IF and IFV boards
- you must accept invite in order to be part of exchange, when you accept please include your nest name in your name so we "know" who you are
- please make sure to include your mailing info on elfster (only the person who has you can see it)
- please be a considerate elf, add items to your wishlist, ask and answer questions (it is difficult to purchase gifts for people you haven't met IRL, please try to make it easier for your elf)
- Mail your gift by 12/16
- the budget is $25 before shipping
- after you receive your gift please thank your elf on the board and if possible include a pic (we like to see what gifts everyone gets)
- if you have any questions/issues please page me
- if you replied to bella's post a week or so ago, i have your nest name but please reply to email with your info so i can send you elfster invite
Thanks cuties