
Travelling with 8 month olds

Ugh.  I'm tired.  Flew across the country with my BFF on Friday for my other BFF's Dad's funeral.  Denver to Chicago to DC, then a 4 (should have been 2, thank you VA roads for not being labeled!) hour drive.  Then back on MOnday.



Babies were rockstars.  We had a window and aisle seat on one leg on the way there but had to be across the aisle from each other on one leg (less fun).  Coming home on a direct flight we had the whole row again, thank GOD. So much easier when we could put them in that middle seat and not have to switch them across the aisle.

The Ergo and Beco were, once again, saviors.

Now how in the world do people do this by themselves with two babies?

Re: Travelling with 8 month olds

  • I bet you are exhausted! Any other advice or tips for the flights or airports? Were you guys allowed to sit in the same row with 2 infants? I was told by Delta that DH and I can't sit in the same row with 2 infants in our laps because there aren't enough oxygen masks. SUCKS. Or did you buy seats for your LOs?
  • imageeyelovemascara:
    I bet you are exhausted! Any other advice or tips for the flights or airports? Were you guys allowed to sit in the same row with 2 infants? I was told by Delta that DH and I can't sit in the same row with 2 infants in our laps because there aren't enough oxygen masks. SUCKS. Or did you buy seats for your LOs?

    We were on SW, so it was open seating. We asked if the flight was full.  1st leg wasn't, 2nd was. 1st leg we sat window and aisle hoping nobody would sit between 2 babies (they didn't.) 2nd leg we sat aisle aisle.  That was a PITA since I had to BF both and it's kind of hard to be discreet on the aisle, not to mention passing them back and forth.  As long as there are only 2 adults, you can have 2 lap children, but if you want to guarantee a whole aisle, you have to buy a seat (I'm too cheap for that and it wasn't THAT big of a deal.)

     I didn't glance at how old your babies are, but puffs and yogurt melts kept mine quite entertained.  That and some new small toys.  From past experience, an extra outfit for each of them, one extra t-shirt that will fit both of you and and lots of diapers.

    Good luck!  The carriers were GREAT b/c they slept in them on the flight.

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